Or should I just run the pits for a decent DS, AP, etc to cube for the sockets?|||I like Wire Fleece.
Unnecessary STR requirement compared to Archon Plate, the most popular light armour, but I like the looks.
Being Superior, the expenses will be HUGE to repair, but the Amazon won't be getting hit often, so this won't be a problem. I'd say, go for it.
My Strafer has a Forti and Faith bow. The extra gold in Faith helps in those expenses with lots to spare, I even have to gamble with her to spend the excess gold.|||I wouldnt make it in that. For me, its a 15ed that matters(for resale value, Im not planning on selling it, but you never know in the future

And if you make it in a enhanched durability armor, the repair cost is gonna go skyhigh, so my advice is to make it in a 15ed Archon Plate or 15ed Dusk Shroud.|||because of insane rals drops, i wounder even care what armor you making any runewords, there's like 100% to find ral before your dura is 0.|||I also like the looks of Fleece. Best looking armor for a Zon IMO (splint mail family also looks good though if you like the shiny look).
And while Rals are common, I prefer the lazy route of just using non-excep armor and gold to repair. =)|||The skimpy armors definitely fit the sexy big-bosom style of zons better so Archons and other bigger armors that hide that are not the way to go|||http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Armor_Appearance
Archon looks downright ugly. I like Splint and Studded families the best, as I said above. Dusk looks a little too simple but at least it's not the horrorshow of Archon.|||Yeah I usually pick my armor for looks, rather than the extra ~20-40 point difference in base def. Light elite armors, of course. I have a 4os sup Wyrmhide ElSolDol waiting for me to get a Lo for it

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