Also I seem to see few poison immunes compared to element immunes, so I figured it might be worth checking out.
I figured since I would have some skill pts after maxing the poison, I could always pump strafe or something for dealing with poison immunes and just have a decent bow for my alt weapon. A lot of the passive skills would work for both bow and jav well also (like pierce).|||it works, the problem is anything you use to go with it works faster. you'll poison jav stuff, then just to have something to do you'll strafe. strafe will kill everything fast enough that the poison just winds up playing second banana.
what i did and had fun with was a plague/frozen arrow hybrid. she was fun and worked well. it's pretty sadistic really; you freeze everything in it's tracks, then poison them to death (or vice versa). i found that while the FA killed all of the poison immunes fast enough, the same couldnt be said for the poison side. i recommend therefore that if you try this build (FA/Plague) to go with +jav skills instead of +bow. the non-CI, non-PI fall fast enough, though not as fast as a javazon can do.
like many skills in D2, the Amazon poison skills are overshadowed by the cookie cutter builds. for trying something different i do recommend it.|||OK thanks. I may try something similar but try imm arrow instead for extra damage - the degen from poison plus the dps from the fire might team up well. Prob won't have enough skill pre left over for a call, but I should be ok with a decent HF merc.
I agree it won't pack the wallop the cookie cutters do, but I get super bored with the meteorb and hammerdin stuff. Plus it just feels dumb when ur in a party and like 3 other people have the same build as u lol|||Arent Immo Arrow and Plague Jav both on a timer? I.e., you could use one or the other but not both together...|||I made a Plague Jav//Lightning Strike Amazon. I used ctc Monster Flee items for extra safety and to bypass the next-delay bug for Lightning Strike. I did have an Infinity, though, which helped a lot. I know someone who did Plague Jav//Charged Strike without Infinity and had good results.
Here are write-ups about the two builds:
Regarding Immo Arrow, it is on a timer as droid pointed out. It might do more damage on LCS, but you won't be able to spam it the way you can FA. In the end, it will do less damage than FA.|||I've tried a LF/plague zon and it was awesome. With +skills it scales up to insane damage.
20: 5664-5813 over 10.6 seconds
30: 21489-21694 over 14.6 seconds
35: 36105-36338 over 16.6 seconds (2180 dps)
You only need one equipment set and it's simple: just get +jav skills. Getting that much +skills is not exactly cheap, but very attainable. Titans, spirit, coh, andy's and a torch get you to 33. The only thorn in your side will be those frecking gloams...|||Very fun in PvP too

Jab + Poison Javelin + Plague Javelin + Decoy/Valkyrie <--- My friend's Poison Amazon
Only problem is that cast delay is too long *For me...* ^^;|||I went with Lightning Fury + Charged Strike & Plague Javelin + synergy.
She was a really good Chaos Sanctuary runner.
Charged Strike is very aggressive while LF and PJ can let you be fairly passive. I wish I had gotten a better Valkyrie instead of CS.
If I had to rebuild, I'd follow SSoG's build which is LF, PJ, Valkyrie and 1 pt. Frozen Arrow with extra cold damage sources to keep anything else frozen in place while the Valk/Merc pick them off. Very cool character.|||Would this be an ok MF char if I was just shooting for around 200 or so? Or maybe use for time finding instead (assuming hell countess is where ur supposed to go)|||Too slow of a killer for MF, and not really a good bosshunter either, plus she'd be more gear-dependent than other MF zon builds, meaning less wiggle room to pack on MF
poison length is multiplied by 3x or 4x in hell, so poison per sec is more like 500 damage