Here's the checklist I can think of:
15/40 jewel for my Andy's, currently 15/29
30 str Andys, have a 29 right now
20 stat torch, have a 17/13 iirc right now
20 stat anni, have a 19 right now
20 dex Raven, check
Rare ring with dex/str/dam/ar/etc., got one but always room for better
Max charms...currently have all the space I want to allocate for charms filled with +8 max LCs or 7/6 max+Dex LCs, ideally go all 8/45s? Are two 3/20/2 dex better than one 8/45?
CoH+Andy's for my Might merc? I'm worried he'd lose his tankability if I switch from Tals+Treachery.
Am I neglecting any theoretical possibility? I'm not going Faith, if someone was going to suggest that

The jewel in your helm, well, that is a fantastic jewel, 11% bump in damage would more than likely hit your 7k goal.
I think the armor switch for your merc will depend on what CoH is put in. I notice a big difference in D and B fights when I switched from 1k to 2k armor on the merc(archon vs sacred armor). So losing the 15% reduction in physical damage from Treachery...I don't know how that would play. Andy's for the merc gives the necessary str bump to wear the heavier armor.
Now that you are the biggest monster on the map.............if you play west, maybe I can run behind you and pick up stuff hmm?
Congrats on it all droid.|||Here are some pointers on how you can max your zon out

Stats'n Damage @lvl 80:
My Tiara:
http://img198.imageshack.us/i/screenshot040hzh.jpg/|||Do they still have 1.07 +40 maximum damage GCs on battle.net?

As far as more realistic options, what's socketed in your bow?|||Shael in the bow of course to hit 9fpa Multi, so cant wiggle there.
Artisan's Diadem of the Lamprey with 3x 40/15ias would be what I had to look for to edge an Andy's, I'd need the LL...that circlet does look super juicy though Krem

I guess a 14/76 GC + a 4/20 SC is better than two 8/45s per 4-slot column, something to keep an eye out for. Too bad you cant turn LCs sideways

Shael in the bow of course to hit 9fpa Multi, so cant wiggle there.
Artisan's Diadem of the Lamprey with 3x 40/15ias would be what I had to look for to edge an Andy's, I'd need the LL...that circlet does look super juicy though Krem

I guess a 14/76 GC + a 4/20 SC is better than two 8/45s per 4-slot column, something to keep an eye out for. Too bad you cant turn LCs sideways

I had a 40ed/15max in that bow, from last ladder. You dont need the 120/45, 117/45 will also do well...
LL...you get from the ring. I had a 7LL/100+AR/20str/10@.|||Sorry, but I'm kind of confused. Why do you need a Shael to hit 9 FPA? What gloves/amulet are you wearing?
If you don't want Ruby Jewels of Fervor for the helm, how about Vermillion Jewels of Fervor? Those should add quite a lot of damage also, although I don't know if they are also duped or not on battle.net.|||Oh, I had it backwards in my head, I was thinking you need 95 IAS with the WF setup - but that's the Faith BP. A 15IAS/ED jewel should get me to 89 just as well

See? Thats why I started this thread

http://i48.tinypic.com/2qv3xwy.jpg|||Still confused.

EDIT: Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
zrk: Nice numbers.

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