Just not sure what build to use for something based around Ice and what bow to put the runeword in. Any advice?|||I put my ice in a matriarchal bow. Since the vast majority of your damage will be elemental, you might as well benefit from a matriarchal bow's speed. Looks nicer too

Personally, I've maxed out freezing and cold arrow, along with strafe for those pesky cold immunes in hell. I also put points in critical strike for the same reason, and couple points into multishot.
My merc used to have an infinity but, in my opinion, it doesn't work as well against cold immunes. I took it back and gave him an insight instead, since freezing arrow is so mana hungry. If you decide to go with the infinity, you'll definitely need some mana stealing, but it'll boost your arrow damage to insane levels.
Overall, it's an pretty safe build. Anything that for whatever reason isn't frozen is chilled because of your holy freeze/cold nova. With a merc, valkyrie and a decoy into the picture as well, nothing ever reaches you. Your resistances might suffer if you decide to go with a jeweller's armour with cold facets instead of a CoH, but a Kira's will solve that.|||my advice is to read the guide specifically made for your question. it's in the sticky.|||I looked through the guides actually, which one is it?|||http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=614373 this one

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