Do strafe and Pierce work? Like if you have 100% Pierce and a lvl 12 strafe would all 10 arrows pierce all the time?
Also when you do pierce an enemy, and you have a CtC on striking, does it roll for every enemy it pierces, effectivly creating a wall of CtC effects when strafing vs multiple enemys? Like lets say, would a brand bow shoot out like hundreds of spears during cowruns?
If it does a CtC strafer could potentialy be devastating, i mean imagine a
Brand, Dragon(or treachery if u want the free IAS), Hell mouth, dual wisp projector. I mean, every strafe would bring 5+ effects (not counting bone spear from Brand).
Would reroll my amazon if this works, so would be extremely thankful if someone could tell me if it works or not!

CtC on Strafe works with every hit from every arrow. CtC on MS only works on the middle 2 arrows. Brand does unleash a volley of bone spears, but they always start from the monster that got hit, so they only hit the monsters directly behind the one that it triggers from...
CtC strafers are effective, but not like you're thinking - those CtC effects are all horribly weak, since they're all unsynergized, even all grouped together. They're just harmless fireworks. The good proc-strafers focus more on useful mods like KB, CB, OW, DS, and CtC curses on striking, primarily the CtC Amp on Atma's and Witchwild String.|||Blah, was hoping i stumbled across something;P still gonna try though, no point in playing seriously when d3 is at the horizon. completely new question then, what character+build is possibly the best CtC:er, or in other words, what build can squeeze out the most CtC in the shortest amount of time?
im guessing a strafer would do well, but since Brand seems like the best choice, and since they cant wield a shield im starting to lean towards a zealer or a frenzy barb or similar.
please dont mind the

For straffer CTC nothing can beat a Witchyzon:
Witchys are a powerful, but low cost, build based around a Witchwild string bow... It casts Amp damage and Deadly strike like crazy... Elemental variations with Pus Spitter crossbow and Dragon armor are fun to play around with (Pusyzon? eeew)... Pus Spitters cast Lower resist on striking... Wrath bow casts decrep/ lifetap and is a nice CTC bow for a Straffer, that would be a Wrathyzon I guess...
"Brand" chance to cast Amp Damage is when struck, not on striking, and the bonespears are more for show...
Razortail for pierce was covered in previous posts... Use one if possible...|||I already got myself a Razortail so it will be used, even thus its etheral (damn).
Well, as i mentioned im not really thinking about optimizing any of my current builds now that i can finaly see the light in the tunnel (d3). so all i am doing as of now are just for fun, and show which is why 100% bone spear would fit :P.
Basicly what i want is as many visible effects to pop in as short a timeframe as possible. So mass curses wouldnt add alot.
Or in other, more realistic words, i would like a build that will make me unable to play with others due to the lagg i will be causing:P.
Thats why i though a strafer wouldnt top the list, due to the lack of shields (extra CtC) and a multi CtC weapon (Destruction ftw?).
I might however be wrong on this and would be thankful for any clearup!|||I gotcha, you're looking for more fireworks...
Principle runeword has 100% CTC holybolt, thats extremism... You might also try a Carrion ring for some CTC little whirly windy things... BOTD's poison nova, while not CTC on striking, goes off quite a bit...|||Off-topic but man, D3 is still sooo far out you've got well over a year of D2 left, minimum...|||i remember reading a guide that's pretty much what you want, but after searching for a while i cannot find it. it's here in the zon forum i think. sorry i couldnt be more helpful.
ps. the frost nova from ice is an excellent ctc as it goes off from the point of impact. you can frost nova an entire screen of monsters.
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