I'm gonna craft some hit power gloves for my wws strafer but I'm wondering if I should use chain gloves or heavy bracers or even vambraces?|||unless you can't meet the strength requirements for vambraces, i don't think it'd make a huge difference between those 3.|||Well I'm hoping for a mana or life leech spawn and in that case would that add to the level req for vambraces?|||Why do you want to use vambraces? And is it really worth it?
the normal way people - I anyway - craft gloves is by shopping them at one of the vendors at lvl 69-ish and craft with that characters.
Vambraces are rare if they are even sold. And that little bit of extra defence isn't worth it.|||Why do you shop them and not just use one that you find randomly?|||because it's more interesting to have knowledge about the ilvl. And when you shop, you know the ilvl exactly.
It's not that big a deal, though it's easier. Else you need to have a high character or a only search high alvl places. Not that big a deal though I find shopping easier.
And when you shop them, you can buy them in large quantities. You buy them when you have found the runes. No need to hunt the gloves too.
Forinstance, you can trade rals for orts. And perfect saphires for other gems. etc.
It's more convenient and you really don't need the extra defence on the gloves.|||Hmm, ok. I have been searching the guide sticky for crafting info but I'm not seeing anything. Can you elaborate a bit on why you craft at level 69?|||Seems you must have missed it, anyway here's superdave's glove crafting guide, as linked from the sticky:
http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=348851|||Ok so if I am starting to understand...
The reason my hit power gloves I just crafted with 20% IAS and 3% Mana leech had a required level of 94 was because they also had Poison Nova charges. And the reason they had Poison Nova charges was because I crafted them with level 90+ chain gloves on a level 93 char.... right?
Or maybe I am way too tired to make sense of all this....

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