I have a few questions so please forgive me if I come off as sounding like a complete idiot- I have been reading over the forums for a few hours and finally bit the bullet and made an account because I thought this might be easier then just digging for the info the way I have been most of the morning. I spent a good few years being a fool for this game but after all the time away I remember enough just to be confused. >.<
One- I am eyeballing making the runeword Ice later on and wanted to know if anyone had/knew a good strategy to build a decent frostmaiden for that bow. I found this thread that I believe I am going to use:
and just wondered if anyone had any thoughts/suggestions/ideas/feedback to leave. I considered other runewords and other bows already- I have made up my mind about what I want to build, I would just like to have some decent feedback on how to do it the best way possible, from the beginning.
I believe at this point I am level twelve with the character- the first zon I ever built was a clusterfrak and I want to build this one right from the very beginning. I have been hording points (I believe I put some in dex already as well as one in cold arrow) until I could get some good advice on where to put what when and such. I saw that now we can respec (something I goobered over since if I had my original Radiant now I could just remake her- but alas!) so I am guessing that I could always just try to build her and if I am not happy then take advantage of that but I believe in trying to do things right the first time around.
I would appreciate any ideas and suggestions for a good strategy that I can start now- like should I keep hording the points until a certain level or should I start to place them now?
And any ice/frostmaidens that are out there now- do you have any words of wisdom for me? I had a level ninety a few years ago but she was my very first character and I really messed her up; by the time she was in the eighties I had hobbled her considerably just because I did not start out with any definite goals in mind- so any help now would be sorely appreciated.
I am trying to nail down a strategy now, while I am still in the early stages, so any help in how to build her stats would be greatly loved. (My strategy now, as far as I have one, is an Act II Holy Freeze Merc with an aim to max out Valkyrie.) So far I am thinking my ideal stats would look like this:
Strength: 87 is about all I am focused on, since I want Ice.
Dexterity: Around 320?
Vitality: Ranging from 100 to 150?
Energy: Base?
I have officially read so much my eyes have crossed. @.@ I would sorely appreciate any one that can suggest if I am on the right track or if I am on the boat to Screwedville.
Thanks!|||Ah man, I really wanted to leave some constructive information but honestly, I found the italics got so annoying that I couldn't finish reading the whole (long) thing and actually had to reply about it, so that's my first tip...
Basically, with respecs now do yourself a huge favor and don't hoard any stat/skill points like the old days, you'll be weak and frustrated until later levels; just use whatever you have then tweak it later if you have to; it's free for the first 3 times anyways.
Also, you mentionned the runeword Ice; though it seems like an excellent bow for the build, I don't suggest necessarily building your first character around one specific weapon requiring HR(s), because odds are if you're just starting out again (and not cheating) you won't be able to afford it for some time... Better to plan a character around the skills first, determine suitable gear options, then obtain stuff as you go depending on luck, wealth, and availability.
That's all I got for now but I have little experience with pure bowazons so I'm sure someone else could have more details for you.|||wow i think the tl;dr there is "been away for 5 years, and need general advice for building a frostmaiden"

To echo, Ice is definitely something that will take a LONG time to save up for, so dont plan on getting one. With respec, I'd start off with a hybrid build (LF/CS/Strafe or LF/CS/FA) or a MS/Strafer, all the guides you need are in the stickies, and you can respec later when you eventually acquire an Ice MB. You're on the right track more or less with stats...although you probably wont need that much VIT ultimately, I dont think.|||OP - I think you've got it sorted out pretty well. Thing is, the beauty of this game is the random drops, so, especially as a first character, you're just at the mercy of what pops up and gambling with whatever money you have. Maybe you'll get lucky and find some items with trade worth. Save those PGems and runes!
As far as getting ICE, you probably won't find the exact runes you'll need to make it, even with a long long time of playing. So hope you find some other high runes to trade for the ones you want, or some elite items that you can trade for them. Even once you get the runes, putting them in the right bow is critical, and finding it can be a capital bee-itch. Most people say to use a Grand Matron bow because of the +amazon skills.
In between that, and as you level, there are some good budget bows and other equipment that fit the Frostmaiden theme.|||Hey!
Ive just recently started again too but anyways I made FrostMaiden (Ice, Nightwing etc) last season (1.12) and i can give a few pointers:
First try and get a Full Mavs set. You probably can pick all this up for around Um-Mal, hopefully ul get a lucky HF

Now Cold Immunes... on my character I used Strafe to deal with these and a Might Merc, its rare you will come across a dual immune but you can use Magic Arrow to deal with those.
Another problem is Mana, Freezing Arrow is costly and to cover this an Insight on your Merc and a Dual Leech ring will help.
To get the highest possible attack speed you want to make your Ice bow in a Mat Bow +3 skills as its easier to get the maxium frame for Freezing Arrow a, now I cant remember the exact IAS you need but I think its around 50.
Charm wise you want to stack as many Bow skiller you can find, they go really cheap, now for Cold charms you want a few to add more 'Freeze' time as in Hell its drastically reduced.
Gearing up for Hell id get as many + skill mods as you can find, this will also add points to Pierce which really adds the damage up when Freezing Arrow goes through groups.
For end game gear I suggest Nightwings Veil (highest cold dmg you can get) socketed with 15ias/ED jewel, Highlords, Chains of Honour, Ice, 2 SOJ's/Raven/Duel Leech, +2/20ias gloves, Boots your choice but i went with Travs, Razortail
Good luck on your Frostmaiden Ive just bin on mine on Non Ladder and I had a right blast!

Basically, with respecs now do yourself a huge favor and don't hoard any stat/skill points like the old days, you'll be weak and frustrated until later levels; just use whatever you have then tweak it later if you have to; it's free for the first 3 times anyways.
Also, you mentionned the runeword Ice; though it seems like an excellent bow for the build, I don't suggest necessarily building your first character around one specific weapon requiring HR(s), because odds are if you're just starting out again (and not cheating) you won't be able to afford it for some time... Better to plan a character around the skills first, determine suitable gear options, then obtain stuff as you go depending on luck, wealth, and availability.
That's all I got for now but I have little experience with pure bowazons so I'm sure someone else could have more details for you.
Yeah, I know- I read that I type too much on every forum I post in. xD I tend to be a bit more thorough and detailed-minded on everything I do, it seems. I just really wanted to slap up what I had pretty much mapped out for myself and see what more current opinions I would get in return. It has been so long since I played that I just wanted to try to get as much feedback as possible- instead of chopping it up into little posts I just thought one long one would be better.
Thanks for the tips, by the way- especially with hoarding the points; that is how I used to do it and I'd rather not, especially now that I know you have three free respecs. Thank you for telling me that, I did not know that and I am glad I do. @.@ I thought there was only one, for some reason; I have no idea where I got the idea that you could only pick the quest up once...but somewhere along the lines I did.
I appreciate your feedback and the tip about not hoarding points. As for the Ice bow that I want being expensive- I completely agree and I know I probably will not end up getting it (or at least not anytime soon) because for one I do not have as much free time as I used to when I first started to play and for another I am not sure if I could rustle up good enough items to trade for whatever I need anyway (not going to rely on drops because I doubt I could get all the stuff I need for it, not with my MF). I am not gonna cheat, this is just the item I want to have as my goal- the "dream item", so to speak. Before it was the entire Mav's set, which was nice, but this time I would like to try something a little different.
Thus, Ice.
I am building her around skills first, which seems to be working out pretty well so far. I got lucky my first time around because I had some friends that had been playing for a long while before me and I pretty much had the full Mav's set in my inventory, waiting on me to put on as I leveled; this time I do not have that and rather enjoy the challenge I have in front of me.
Thanks again for the tips. ^.^ Sorry I hurt your eyes. xD
To echo, Ice is definitely something that will take a LONG time to save up for, so dont plan on getting one. With respec, I'd start off with a hybrid build (LF/CS/Strafe or LF/CS/FA) or a MS/Strafer, all the guides you need are in the stickies, and you can respec later when you eventually acquire an Ice MB. You're on the right track more or less with stats...although you probably wont need that much VIT ultimately, I dont think.
Got ya. ^.^ Duly noted on typing too much; I get that all the time, I just abhor text-speak and generally thought this would be better. Again, I am detailed-oriented and I keep forgetting people do not like to read like I do. xD
Yeah, I know Ice will be hard (if not impossible) to get at the rate I am currently going. I just meant that is what I am projecting for. I really like the idea about just respecing later if I can eventually get one. Very good idea- I am thinking about going as a strafer, in my current mood. I played with MS some as well on my first cold zon but I think I ended up preferring strafing in the end. Thanks for the tip about vitality- the more I read up later after posting this the more I started thinking that, too.
OP - I think you've got it sorted out pretty well. Thing is, the beauty of this game is the random drops, so, especially as a first character, you're just at the mercy of what pops up and gambling with whatever money you have. Maybe you'll get lucky and find some items with trade worth. Save those PGems and runes!
As far as getting ICE, you probably won't find the exact runes you'll need to make it, even with a long long time of playing. So hope you find some other high runes to trade for the ones you want, or some elite items that you can trade for them. Even once you get the runes, putting them in the right bow is critical, and finding it can be a capital bee-itch. Most people say to use a Grand Matron bow because of the +amazon skills.
In between that, and as you level, there are some good budget bows and other equipment that fit the Frostmaiden theme.
Thank you very for the tips. ^.^ Yeah, I have already started to hoard what runes I have found and I remember how PGems were valuable; I was very pleased to come back to the game and find that much had not changed. xD
What you mentioned about trading and such for what I would need for Ice is pretty much how I am hoping to do it. I remember trying to put together a BotD a long while back and sometimes I thought it would be finding the perfect bow that would be the hard part, not hunting the runes. >.< I was thinking of aiming for the GM bow for that very reason.
You rock. ^.^ I appreciate your posting and feedback. Have a good week!
Ive just recently started again too but anyways I made FrostMaiden (Ice, Nightwing etc) last season (1.12) and i can give a few pointers:
First try and get a Full Mavs set. You probably can pick all this up for around Um-Mal, hopefully ul get a lucky HF

Now Cold Immunes... on my character I used Strafe to deal with these and a Might Merc, its rare you will come across a dual immune but you can use Magic Arrow to deal with those.
Another problem is Mana, Freezing Arrow is costly and to cover this an Insight on your Merc and a Dual Leech ring will help.
To get the highest possible attack speed you want to make your Ice bow in a Mat Bow +3 skills as its easier to get the maxium frame for Freezing Arrow a, now I cant remember the exact IAS you need but I think its around 50.
Charm wise you want to stack as many Bow skiller you can find, they go really cheap, now for Cold charms you want a few to add more 'Freeze' time as in Hell its drastically reduced.
Gearing up for Hell id get as many + skill mods as you can find, this will also add points to Pierce which really adds the damage up when Freezing Arrow goes through groups.
For end game gear I suggest Nightwings Veil (highest cold dmg you can get) socketed with 15ias/ED jewel, Highlords, Chains of Honour, Ice, 2 SOJ's/Raven/Duel Leech, +2/20ias gloves, Boots your choice but i went with Travs, Razortail
Good luck on your Frostmaiden Ive just bin on mine on Non Ladder and I had a right blast!

Heya. ^.^ Thank you guys for posting- I appreciate all the help I can get and after reading what you guys wrote I feel much better about what I have in mind.
I adored Mav's. I had the full set years back and really loved that set; I agree with everything you said about it. Thanks for tips on what runes I can maybe aim to trade it for; I have been out of the loop so long I pretty much feel like I know just enough to confuse myself more then if I was completely new.
I really appreciate the tips on how to deal with immunes and the tip about the ring and what gear you would recommend. Mana is already seeming to be the biggest issue here; I do not remember it being so bad on my original cold zon but I had much better gear, too. I did not even want to try to think about what gear to aim for because at this point in the game I feel like I am too low-level to worry about it. I was hoping someone like you would post, someone who has a good grasp on what I am wanting to do and had some good gear ideas. Playing with the stats and the skills are one thing...it's a whole other mess to start thinking about what gear and such. @.@
Thank you for wishing me good luck. ^.^ I am glad you are having fun with your Frostmaiden- thanks for the tips and being so nice! Good luck on this Ladder (if you are playing) and your Non-Ladder- thanks again for all the help!|||So...many..words....|||Yeah, I am a little on the wordy side. >.<
Now I kinda wish I had not posted so much but at least I got some viable feedback. xD
Take care!|||Some items I thought of
Endlesshail - bow, usable at 36, cold damage and the name fits, loved using this on my Amazon
Duress - runeword body armor, Shael Um Thul, usable at 49, has cold damage and tons of other great mods
You might find a good deal on a Buriza too, that's a great xbow for the Frostmaiden theme.
Ravenfrost rings, awesome, with cold damage
Eye of Etlich, cold damage amulet with +skills and a hidden bonus I've heard about|||loquacious is one thing...
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