My gear would go as follows:
Helm: Guillaume's Face
Chest: Duress
Boots: Gores
Gloves: Dracs
Ammy: Highlords
Rings: Raven Frost and BK or Dual Leech?
Belt: Tgods
Weapon1: Eth Titans Upped
Weapon2: Um'd SS
This gear would give me decent resists, CBF mod, available lifetap, 65% CB, 60% DS (on lvl80), and 68% OW.
While CB is not maxed I think it would work okay cause of the high percentages of the other two?
Not sure on skills, probably like this.
20 Jab
20 Penetrate, to help with AR?
20 Critical Strike, to pair with DS.
20 Inner Sight, suppose to lower enemy defense- against ubers too?
20 Valk, not sure where else to put points, meat shield couldnt hurt?
This would basically be my build, I'm wondering what you guys think.

Edit: Just noticed my lack of IAS, only have the 20% from Highlords. Could possibly swap out the Titans for Tstroke? Also sockets with 15% IAS jewels, possibly the SS instead of Um and use Treachery for Fade Proc on Meph. IAS Belt could be used too depending on need for tgods?|||Quote:
This would basically be my build, I'm wondering what you guys think.

Welcome to forum.
It's not easy task, but fun anyway. Keep other char ready if/when you fail.
Baal and Diablo were doable for me. Failed with Mephisto.
Use search there are several threads about uber killing with ama.|||Problem is the lack of AR and the lack of resists. Kicksins have Fade, paladins have Salvation to counteract Mephy's nasty Conviction. You could try prebuffing with Treachery and Demon Limb, you didnt mention that.
Inner Sight isnt going to reduce the Uber's defense that much; at L20 its less than a quarter of their total defense, and they block too, so you're always going to have to-hit issues, which makes your CB less effective than a Smiters', and makes your Life Tap less reliable to proc.
Zons also have less life than pallies or barbs, they get less benefit point-for-point from Vit, and you have to spend more dex for max block without Holy Shield, making them squishier in any circumstance.
Valk, sadly, will get torn up no matter what; minions suffer a penalty vs bosses, but D/E/A (which would be the saving grace for a Jabber) unfortunately interferes with your Jab cycles.
Lastly, Jabazons dont get access to any weapon runewords they can use in 1h weapons, which is where most of the effectiveness of other Uber builds comes in.
Yes, of course its doable, its been done, but Zons really start with a lot of chips stacked against them in Uber Trist.|||zons get 3 life per vit, same as pally and sin.
i've thought long and hard about this build (though i've not done it yet) and i'd decided that if/when i did this i'd skip D/A/E. one of my first uber characters was a smiter and his life was so up and down when fighting meph that if i stopped hitting even for a split second, he'd die on occasion if hit too hard. i actually quit using tgods b/c of the cast on the foh stopping me smiting. i believe this character needs to be hitting as much as possible.
consider using metal grid as well. res and AR. i know this doesnt help your possible issue with ias...
i'd also consider swapping out duress. it only adds a bit of CB and you could get better res there through smoke or CoH.|||There's been alot of mention about Zons ubering lately... Definitely search through some of the recent posts for more ideas there's lots of good stuff.
Personally, I experimented with it last ladder using only average gear on a lite java and had succcess with everything except Meph, just never got past him. Landing enough hits to actually proc and benefit from lifetap was the biggest issue, seeing as I lacked the AR and D/E/A screwed up most of my cycles. So my first and biggest recommendation is NO D/E/A and consequently NO valk (she'll die no matter what anyway). Max Jab, Penetrate and Crit will all help with damage and AR, but the Inner Sight would be largely wasted as mentionned though you might as well if you're only planning to use her for this and have leftover points anyways.
Gear-wise most of what you listed is pretty dead on, but you absolutely need to get enough ias to hit around 5fpa or so for an effective Jab, and the AR to back it up... Metalgrid was a good suggestion, Angelic ammy+ring might also do for cheap though you sacrifice ias you would need to make up elsewhere. Prebuff with Demon Limb (enchant) is crucial, and definitely use a CtA if you can. SS is by far the best shield possible but you most likely will need a fervor jewel instead of the um. Same for the Guillie's, it may require socketing with ias instead of res depending on your choice of ammy. As far as armor goes, prebuff with a cheap Treachery, then preferably switch to CoH or on a budget Smoke is still probably better than Duress (you'll need the res, and Guillaume's + Gores will supply all the CB you need). For rings, BK or 2leech would be ok but consider dual ravens if you're still lacking AR.
Overall it's much more challenging with a zon but given enough tweaking and prebuffing it's possible.|||Thanks for all of the information and the welcome.
Made me ponder a lot about this build and I think its safe to say I might be better off leaving my zon as a CS/LF zon and making a pally haha, they just have to be good at everything dont they?
I've heard that CS can tear through all of them except meph. Maybe with a point in jab I could try a gear switch for meph, and most likely utterly fail haha.
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