Helm: Valc Wing (for the +2 skills and mana after kill)
Body: Skulders (for the +1 skills and MF)
Weapon: Titans
Shield: Spirit Monarch (max blocking)
Switch: Same (don't wanna run out of javs)
Belt: Thundergods
Gloves: Rare +2 passive with IAS and MF
Boots: Silkweaves (for the mana after kill)
Rings: dual mandald
Ammy: Highlords
I decided I had pretty much all the uniques and set items I might need from hell meph for a while so I decided to try to go for some high runes. Thinking cows might be my best bet and knowing that lightning will never kill the king I threw her together to get some runes/gems to trade for runes. I used to have some +2 zon skill peace armor but decided MF would be better than the 1 skill point. I don't know what merc to grab, probably one of the defensives.
I am wondering what if anything might be good to socket into the titans. It doesn't seem like matters so much so I was thinking about putting in some Pskulls till I find somthing better. Would IAS be a good idea to improve DPS or are Lit Fury javs a spell rather than an attack?
I am a bit clueless as to what to put on for rings so I thew these on. Didn't like losing all my mana when I was down to 1 cow.
As for the ammy, would it be a better investment to craft a blocking ammy with some +zon skills so i can save a few points in dex? Or is the IAS helping me out quite a bit?|||Some huge mistakes in my opinion in your post:P
1. Titans cant be socketed.
2. DONT YOU DARE TRY FOR MAX BLOCK WITH SPIRIT. Choose stormshield and max block or spirit and vitality.
1.I suggest you switch out Valks for shako for more mf mana and 2 all skills. 2 to mana after each kill never made a dent in my mana expenditure but mana leech certainly did.
2. A safety amulet is a fine choice but I would keep highlords for the ias since you are lacking.
3.2 zon javas skills 20 ias str/dex mana leech gloves would be your best bet|||Spirit max block is pretty good, especialyl with some non ladder items like steelclash gloves|||Currently running my to be Cower thru NM Baal, but i'm planning:
Helm: Shako - with rare Maek jewel in it
Body: Skulders
Weapon: Titans
Shield: Lidless - for the +5 Maek again - Ideally I'll get a Phoenix and lose all the MAEK gear, but that's some way away.
Switch: Same (don't wanna run out of javs)
Belt: Razortail
Gloves: Rare J&S + IAS with nice mods (got a crappy pair of +2J&S atm, will get better)
Boots: Silkweaves (for the mana after kill)
Ring1: Ravenfrost
Ring2: whatever i'm missing, maybe some nice ML/LL rare with MF
Ammy: Highlords or some rare +2 Zon ammy i'll gamble (with some luck)
With a Gheeds and some MF SC's i should be able to hit 250 mf easily
If you're just doing cows i wouldn't bother with max block, with decent positioning you should rarely get hit at all.
The cows drop plenty of pots if the MAEK isn't quite keeping up when Cow numbers are low. LF costs ~30 mana (depending on slvl) so with ~13 MAEK this keeps the blue ball mostly full when doing the majority of killing.
I know a merc could use Insight and save me mana hassles i find merc (& Valk) just get in the way of my herding, so I don't bother with them.|||Here's the build I'm about to use for cows, as soon as I finish up my skill quests. I decided to completely ignore mf, and go for high damage to kill cows as quick as possible and collect those nice socketables

Helm: Griffon's Eye (as soon as I can afford it, gonna put a facet in there)
Amulet: The Cat's Eye (my favorite amazon amulet, makes you go really

Rings: BK ring, and a raven frost (+1 skills, and the CBF helps against those
unique cows with holy freeze auras.. I hate being frozen :@:@)
weapon1/2: Eth Titans/Reg Titans (Good weapon, figured I'd hold my replacement javelins on my other set so I can complete runs faster if I run out)
Shield: Moser's Blessed circle socketed with two 5/5 light facets
Body: Chains of Honor (+2 skills for quicker cow killing!)
Belt: T-god's for now, might try out razortail as well
Gloves: +2jav, 20ias, 15 dex, 22 fire res gloves (Pretty self explanatory, if they came with strength as well they would be perfect)
Shoes: Waterwalks (Nice for the life and dex, considered some resistance boots but I can't afford it, plus they are not really necessary in the cow level)
Plus a few skillers, an anni and a torch
This set up has my damage and speed significantly higer then my last cowing zon, so I'm hoping to tear through those cows

I personally think max block is pretty nessaccary in the cow level, those hunks of beef can be deadly when they swarm.
Whether you can use anything or not from this, I find it's always helpful to look at as many builds as possible. Goodluck and happy cowing!|||As others have suggested, Shako for the helm, Razortail for the belt (you'll probably have to respec if you spent more than a point or two in Pierce) to get 100% piercing, essential for Cows more than anywhere, and drop a Manald for a Raven for CBF.
Have you upped your Titans? The extra physical damage will mean better leeching, plus its not that expensive at Pul Lum.
LF is based on IAS, not FCR.
And also dont forget about Jab for cleaning up the few remaining cows once LF becomes inefficient. Jab will leech mana and keep your blue orb topped off going into the next herd. CS of course is another single-target killer.|||Alright thanks for the advice guys. I'll take some of it and roll with it. I'll do some experimentation to see if I prefer vita or max block. I understand why you guys recommend the shako but I'm getting +2 skills now and enjoy the run walk/mana after kill. Maybe when I see another drop I'll switch out.|||Max block with spirit monarch will take a ridiculously useless amount of dex when you can get 50% or close with just the dex required to use the upped tits--not worth the extra 25% block when you should have a point in dodge/evade/avoid anyways which will make up for the times the shield doesn't kick in... Dump those saved points in vita for the odd time when all else fails.
Also much better than shako or valk for a jav IMO is andys socketed to negate the -fire res which gives IAS and leech instead, since this kind of build should be concentrating 100% on offensive mods and thus killspeed. You shouldn't even be getting hit anyways with valk, merc and decoy in front of you, so defensive mods are kinda meh after block, passives and vita are considered. This all assuming you can't afford griffs which I find overpriced and somewhat overrated anyhow.
As mentionned above, drop the manalds for *at least* a ravenfrost for cannot be frozen (unless you somehow get it from somewhere else), I personally consider that a mandatory mod and will not play a character without it... Other ring would ideally be a bk or soj, a nice rare would still probably be better than manald but if price is an issue then use what you can. Speaking of jewellery highlords is a good choice, unless you have enough ias on other gear to maybe let you switch to maras without sacrificing an attack breakpoint. Anwyays, you should actually just rely on merc's insight for mana anyhow, so much cheaper and convenient.
For armor I understand the attraction to MF, I really do, but that's another overexaggerated mod in my opinion. A +2 Arkaine's is still cheap enough and will boost damage and life... socket a ptopaz in it if you just can't stand not having mf in armor.
Hope that gives you a few ideas.|||Arkaines isnt what it used to be though, lol. Really for run speed enigma with spirit(at least on switch) & griffon and and fcr ring would be the optimal fast run setup(or could go for 99 fcr).|||For cows I would use either Walkyrie Wing or a magic +2ama/30frw/2sox helm. NN fcr at all in cows.
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