I have a Sorc with full Tal's, a 6BO CTA, no skillers, no Anni, an Assassin Torch, and an Eth CV Insight merc.
I have a Javazon with Titan's, Razortail, Shako, Seraph's, Spirit, no skillers, no Anni, but I can transfer the Torch, CTA, and Insight merc (if I even need a merc).
For HR-hunting/MFing, am I better off buying Infinity for my Sorc and running CS (or Baal, if that's even possible with the amount of +skills I have) or buying Enigma for my Javazon and cowing? I have some loose Puls/Ums and a Mal, if buying some cheap gear for either would turn the tables.
In any case, how many points should I spend in Lightning Fury synergies to be effective in cows?|||what i would do (also did this ladder) is to buy infinity for your javazon and run cs, even wsk and baal is possible
afaik cast rate for javazon is very slow so with enigma you might have problems.|||You would have more problems without enigma though. 68 fcr is easy to get and works, allows for much swifter runs than a walking ama.|||Javazon will own for Cows...however I think the lite sorc is better suited for general MFing and area clearing. You definitely want to get a class-specific torch for either though, and an anni, both of which should be markedly cheaper than an infinity or an enigma.|||Droid makes a good point, at this time in the ladder Infinity and/or Nig would cost you much more than any torch+anni... Besides, neither character requires infinity unless you go pure and still want to run everywhere. Cheapest option is to stick with max lite zon and cow till you puke, and/or make you sorc cl/fo and run keys.|||I dont know its fun using a java zon in full games clearing random areas. Since they can clear fast in a 8 pp game then why not make them a choice for hr finding?|||just finished my infinity trapper and it blows my light sorc out of the water for PvM. death sentry is just too good.|||Perhaps on low player games.. But things change quite a bit in players 8|||Between your choices, automatically the infinity comes to mind. If you're pure lite, you should do sufficient damage already, which will then be boosted by the infinity, as well as breaking most immunes that would otherwise cause you trouble.
Enigma and Amazon don't go together. At all. The one class that simply cannot use it efficiently. You get better performance elsewhere, fort, coh, jewelers w/ 15ias/40ed.
Problem with cowing is that once that king is dead (which will happen by accident sooner or later -- *looks at mercs*) you'll need to perm game and use another character to open the portal.
A lite sorc with infinity basically goes anywhere.
Which of the two sounds better to you ? =)|||Enigma still beats the other option of walking.. And javazon is the fastest p8 baal runner(slightly faster than 200fcr light sorc), pretty much fastest p8 chaos clearer, and totally undisputed fastest general killer due to LF mechanics.
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