Also, what's the damage on firestorm?|||Negligible, so don't worry about it.|||Yes, the chance to cast firestorm will be triggered by ranged attacks, including bowzons using strafe (however multi can only trigger it from center arrows).
As for damage:
Phys Dmg/Frame: 0.6875 - 0.9375 (17.1875-23.4375 per second)
Fire Dmg/Frame: 1.875 - 2.28125 (46.875-57.03125 per second)
This is per cell. A player would probably be hit by 3 cells per second.
Firestorm caused more lag then it was worth in general and was a major factor in causing games to drop pre 1.13. Now that the chance to cast has been lowered (25% before but now 5%) I'm sure it'll be less of a problem but I haven't been playing too much lately so can't really tell. Before there was a period when you could rarely have 2 amazons spamming attacks while using torch in the same game without crashing it.|||The move from 25% to 5% has definitely reduced the number of crashes, but packed Baal games will still drop if I start strafing or multi'ing too often.|||Quote:
The move from 25% to 5% has definitely reduced the number of crashes, but packed Baal games will still drop if I start strafing or multi'ing too often.
i agree with everything lifted says and would add fury to the mix. the old game-dropping reasons are there, they're just 20% less likely to happen.|||80% less likely to happen, technically, they just happen on 20% fewer shots of your total

I actually like Firestorm on a strafer. It adds a noticeable bit of AoE damage, the physical gets a bonus on Amped monsters, and its some fire damage vs PI targets, especially big ones that get hit by many, many cells per proc|||It's too laggy for my taste, even if it adds a bit of damage, I still prefer to live without it.
The 5% seems a nice change, but on a Strafer that isn't much of difference, since the Amp from Atma's processes quite frequently at the same rate.|||Thanks for the input all!
I just traded for an Atma's, and combined with my new Windforce I'm able to go through the Chaos Sanc without any problems!
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