Griff, ravens, bk, hlord, ss, coh, titans, rare gloves.
I've heard gores are for more damage and tgods for baal runs. Please clarify, I'm probably wrong. Thanks guys

P.s. If i can't afford griffs, what helm should I be wearing?|||neither and neither. Boots should be Silkweaves for the +mana on kill on a pure light java PvM; belt should be Razortail for 100% pierce. Boots definitely not Gores, which only really give a bonus to your Jab, and Treks' only really useful mod is the FHR. "Tgods are for Baal" refers only to the light absorb, which helps negate the nastiness of Souls in the WSK.
I dont know how well javazons hold up in duels at all, so I cant really comment about ideal PvP gear - you obviously dont need Pierce etc. in PvP

Shako until Griffs|||thank you so much for your help. Do you happen to know how expensive perf silkweaves are?|||cheap as chips - a few pgems usually.|||You dont need perfect, anyway...def doesnt matter too much to an Amazon, who has no means of multiplying her def rating. Of course if its cheap enough, thats fine

Plus, Silkweaves are Exceptional, so you'd have to up them regardless, and when you up a defensive item, its base defense rating gets randomized - so even a perfect 190ED Silkweaves could end up with anywhere from 194 to as low as 171 when you up them.|||Another vote for silkweaves if using infinity, but otherwise with insight I prefer travs to gores. Also, I'd use andys over shako if it takes you over a breakpoint.
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