Basic stat distribution, going to use the smallest amount of str needed for gear, rest goes into dex throwing caution to the wind.
Skills :
20 CS
20 LF
20 Strafe
5-10 in multi
Enough for 17 valk with skills, decent critical strike / penetrate / pierce
Some D/A/E in there for decent % with +skills
Alright, here is where I'm trying to be sure where im going is correct.
Helm :Andy's /w 15 ias jewel (35% ias)
Body :Fort Archon
Belt :Razortail
Weapon1 :Windforce (20%ias)
Weapon 2:titans/SS
Ammy :Atmas
Ring1 :Raven
Ring2 :rare LL/Ar/Str ring
Boots :Gores
Gloves :LoH (20% ias)
So I'm at 75% ias with the base gear and an open WF. I keep hearing 83% for strafe, but is this before the faith merc? Because I'm planning on having and Act1 faith merc to help out my ias/damage.
Basic goal is to run through CS with little MF to search for socketable / runes / charms since my barb is rocking a decent amount of MF and runs keys/bosses.
Am I going in the right direction? I think my resists/DR%/life should be good enough on the java side to take down diablo with CS|||WF + Faith merc, you want to hit 95 IAS since you plan to use Multi, thats the 7fpa BP, assuming your merc's faith has 13+ Fanat.
SS is the wrong shield, unless you're HC, you want a Spirit for the added offense. You dont need much in the way of res/DR for Diablo, CS takes him down real fast and a lot of his attacks are blockable/evadable, and even with a Spirit Monarch you'll be at 75% block. I would recommend going with at least 500 total life after your gear bonuses, which might mean putting 20-50 hard points in Vit, just to save you from nasty huge one-shot kills while amped.
Ideally, you'd want a rare ML/AR/Stat ring, not have LL from Andy's already, but no ML for your javs. A ML ring helps offset the mana costs for your LFs, especially with an upped (eth) Titans.|||If you want runes charms and socket items amazons are great at running cows, and cows are great for them drops.|||^
+1; seems like LF zons were specifically designed by blizz as THE cow killer. Because of immunes for running chaos I'd just go with a pure java with infinity, or strafe/multi depending on infinity availability or just plain personal preference.|||thats true i was planning on running cows as well, but the main focus was CS for the ilevel 85 area. But yeah seems like zons do cows quite nicely.
Hadn't accounted for the ml on the ring since i was going off of ml on the WF, but yeah doesn't help the javs where the huge mana sink is either.
I'll just shael my WF and problem solved with the IAS.
Even though im not hardcore i really hate dieing to i generally run on the cautious side when im making up my gear kit. I've got a spirit monarch as well that i can switch the two out and see which one i enjoy more. I'm just afraid of Diablo and his firestorm K.O.
I've tried an infinity light java before but i don't care for not using a bow too much. Why i decided to grab the best of both worlds. LF is going to be an initial large room -> toss a few in switch to the WF and strafe the last few things around /repeat.
Was also interested in trying some WSK runs with her, but we'll see. Lots of things in there scare me with base life.|||WSK really isn't such a scary place with a tgod's, good res and intelligent decoy placement... Also as far as mana goes, it might not be so bad if you're always cleaning up with the WF after LF, should take care of itself. Silkweaves are actually quite handy as well if you can get over losing the travs.|||Seems like LF will drain my mana pool fairly quickly. We'll just see how it ends up going and If need be I can always look around for a ml / stats rings.
Just waiting on some trades for her stuff to go through, Once I get her up and running i'll share my experiences with everyone

lf and cs are two of the best skills in game.. And as far as cow runs go - javazon is the fastest killer anywhere, so that isnt so much of an andvantage in comparison to other areas.|||I can afford an infinity but I'll tried to play a light sorc / java / trapper with infinity merc and it just isn't what I like to play. I like being able to do multiple things to clear an area not just LF over and over. Granted its quick but my zon should be able to do it just as quick I'd believe as well.|||There's little doubt a pure javazon will be faster in most cases, especially today with IM gone. That said a hybrid can at least compete, with high end items you can indeed achieve around 3-5 minutes solo 8p CS runs, depending on monster spawn.
Though, making a hybrid isn't only about the characters effectiveness of course. I personally like playing both bowzons and javas, so a character with both attack setups is like fun squared.
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