Helm: SteelSkull
Ammy: Atmas
Armor: Treachery in Dusk Shroud
Belt: Razortail
Gloves: LoH
Boots: Gores
Ring1: RavenFrost
Ring2: Manald Heal
Bow: WF (not socketed yet)
Inventory: 14/19 Torch
I think I can ditch the manald now that I can use my WF. I was also thinking of dropping the Gores for WT's for the extra damage. My resists suck but I have yet to play through Hell difficulty yet which I always solo my way through on all my chars just to make sure the build works.
Skills I believe are:
Strafe: max
Multi: I know I shoot like 14 arrows. Not sure what final skill was off the bat
Valk: Max
D/A/E: 1 point each
CS: 1 point
Penetrate: Max
Pierce: 1 point at the moment but I know it needs to be higher
I am looking for not too expensive solutions because once I am done with Hell I think I might switch her to either full Jav and pvp or switch her to a Fishy and run CS/Pits/WSK with her.
Any advice or critiques are welcome and ty in advance!|||You can easily ditch the manald. WF alone has enough mana leech. If you are worried about resists, you could swap the Treachery for something else. If you have shael'd the WF it will be a difference of about one frame in multi-shot and you will be firing at 5/3/3/3/8 Strafe.|||Ya I think I will ditch the manald now that I can equip my WF. What about a Kiras in place of Steelskull? That would give huge resists but with a loss of IAS. Do I need that IAS from Steelskull though? If I did I figure I could just ias jewel the Kiras.
Also I have about 600 life, should I pump dex from here on out to boost damage or get life to about 700 and then pump dex?|||It depends on what you want to do with your zon.
If you want to MF with her then I would Shael the WF, replace treachery with a Ptopaz'd Skullders, Ptopaz your Stealskull, replace gores with a low cheap Travs, replace Manald with Nagel.
If you just want optimal damage for playing through hell then I would throw a cheap enhanced damage Jewel (+37-40%ED) in the WF, throw a cheap max damage Jewel (+14-30max) in the Helm, swap Gores for Travs, replace Manald with any rare ring with +min/+max/+ar
In both circumstances Get pierce to 9 after +skills (so if you're only using a zon torch then 6 base, 5 base if you use Skullders etc.) Then crank CS. Doing those two things will significantly increase your damage output.|||Very good information Rane ty. I think you covered everything. I just want to make sure but it looks like its this way from your post, ed jewels only work if placed in the weapon, but +max can be put anywhere correct?
Thanks for the great responses guys.|||My Bowazon ended up being like this:
Atmas Scarab, 20/200+ ravenfrost, 8LL rare dex resist ring, razortail, LoH, War Travs, Windforce Shael'd, Andys Visage Ral'd, was using upped Twitchthroe while I was trying to hunt down a Lo for Fort. Had a torch/anni/max+min+AR charms mostly.
Had max valk, penetrate, strafe. A few in Pierce to get to 100% with the razortail. She cleans up the pits real fast, but the next step is a Faith merc and I don't have the wealth at the moment because I am pumping everything into a Frenzy barb :-)|||Both ED% jewels and +Max jewels work anywhere. However due to the way damage is calculated (particularly on a bowazon) it is far far far more efficient to put ED% on the weapon than off the weapon.
Truth be told if you can afford a slew of 40%ED jewels I'd stick them everywhere, on weapon and off. But speaking from a budget perspective +15max offweapon is still good and one 35+%ED jewel on weapon goes a long way.|||if you dont have fortitude armor or off weapon ED then cow king can be a good choice for boots. wartrav is better in terms of mf but i would prefer cowking for style

WF Shael + LoH is enough to get you to a decent Strafe BP. Your resists will also always suck, even with WWS; you're a bowazon, thats just how it is

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