Rules:Simple and maybe dacar can add to them if he sees fit.
1) if you have an item you don't need post it here along with your account info(or if you prefer to be contacted by pm's just say so)
2) You can only visit this thread to take an item you can it and you won't be welcome back!! When you are done with it....pass it on here so someone else can use it.
3) Say thanks.
told you it was simple!!
remember with the start of the new ladder your "junk" can really help someone out...please donate
ok i will start....
hellcast xbow ladder east
*superdave03|||This is a great idea. I have thought about doing a thread like this for a long time but I always get distracted by someone or something.
No trading here, or offering of pgems or anything else for items meant to be given away.
2. I will delete any threads offering items that may be listed on the duped or banned lists here
3. Pics may be linked if they are for runeword items or rares. But do not post links to pictures without my prior approval. I need the link via PM or e-mail listed in my profile.
4. Please post the stats of items so people know what they are getting.
5. Non-ladder stuff is OK too.
6. Please post in a legible manner. English is the forum language, just in case you're wondering. I will delete any posts I can't understand. Fair warning given here...
I will post more rules as issues arise.
Thanks and have fun!|||Alright i'll start this out with
-Lycanders Aim Ceremonial Bow
-183%/6LL demon's arch Balrog spear.|||Edit--
Double post, i was trying to edit original to add this to the end:
I prefer to be messaged with a PM so i can give this to a forum member, not a random guest.|||Quote:
Alright i'll start this out with
-Lycanders Aim Ceremonial Bow
-183%/6LL demon's arch Balrog spear.
i know you play east but is this ladder or nl?
dacar...glad you think this is ok...i just hope everyone behaves|||Ladder West:
Stealth (Runeword) Splintmail.
Ancient's Pledge (Runeword) Tower Shield.
I prefer to be messaged with a PM so i can give this to a forum member, not a random guest.
that is a good point....nothing wrong with not handing over your goodies to the first person who comes knocking on your door....because this is a zon forum item fund i think you are right....members only...better yet someone who you have seen posting at least something in this forum.|||Sorry about that, this is ladder East.|||Quote:
Ladder West:
Stealth (Runeword) Splintmail.
Ancient's Pledge (Runeword) Tower Shield.
ooo TK i would like both of those or just the stealth if possible thx

find me at whitepen (i will usually b there)|||Quote:
Alright i'll start this out with
-Lycanders Aim Ceremonial Bow
-183%/6LL demon's arch Balrog spear.
I sent you a pm.
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