Thank you! BIts PvM Amazon|||Bul Kathos doesn't do a whole lot for a bowazon, so you could swap that for a dual leech ring. I like dual Raven Frosts, though, so I use a Tal's Mask on my Bowazon. 10% dual leech, +life, and +15 resist all. What's not to like?|||some questions:
-what build?
-what armor?
-which diadem do you mean? there are two that i know of excepting a rare/magical.
some answers:
-laying of hands for gloves
-razortail for belt
-either dual leech ring or a better hat, depending on which diadem you're talking about.|||i am talking about mavinas diadem.. and i will go strafe amazon build armor i made is Fortitude|||you have more ias than you need. i'd go with a dual leech hat and then a rare ring with good mods that cover your missing areas, most likely res. my only other suggestion is then to change your boots to war travs or gore riders, they'll help your damage more than the dex from walks.|||crawlingdeadman but my merc will be offensive(gear:forti eth,andy,eth cv(pride)) and walkyrie too will be atackers so ill shoot from behind... and what do u think about trek boots with poison resist uniq ? so my gear should look like this: mavinas diadem+ed or ed+ias jewel, ias gloves (laying of hends from set) dual leach ring+good mods+raven cats yey amulet nosferatus coil belt or razortail and gmb(Faith) what do u think now ?|||i think you're not listening. with your suggested set up you'll be fine i have no doubt, but you also wont have what many would consider optimal gear. with faith gmb you could throw on a manald heal for the mana leech and do hell naked so the rest is just cake.
i'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but i'm done. go find out what works best for you and have fun

You dont need IAS. All you need is a source of dual leech, and everything else should be geared towards raising your damage. Resists are nice but ultimately dont matter as much as damage.
-Treks wont add as much as Travs or Gores
-Cats Eye wont add as much as Highlords or Atmas
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