I recenty made a Strafezon in HC and she is a blast. Right now she's ripping up NM Chaos with an upped WWS. Can you take a look at my end game gear and tell me if you have any tips/upgrades?
Windforce - Shael (40 ias)
Treachery (45)
Kiras - Um?
Laying of Hands - (20)
Tgods (HC, it's a must for the souls)
Highlords (20)
2x Ravens
Switch: CTA - Sigons (sigons for the block if I need to run away)
War Travs or Gores, can't decide.
120 Ias for strafe with WF, is that the correct BP I'm aiming for? I would like to use a Might Merc for tanking over an A1 Faith merc.
I like the mix of treachery and Kiras for resists. I just prebuff the Treachery by letting some A1 carvers beat on me for a second. Plus the 45 ias from it will help me get to the BP's. Venom is ok, but no dmg from Fort though

The only thing missing is a sorc of LL, maybe a LL/resists/stats ring? Or should I give up the LoH for a Crafted pair of gloves? PvM only so the LoH might be a keeper.
What about Atma's? Is it a must? I could put an Ias jewel in the Kiras, and replace the Highlords. I'd be at exactly 120.
Thanks, any advice is greatly appreciated!|||You're doing an overkill on IAS for a strafer, check the amazon bp's link in my sign for details. I'm sure you'll find that loosing a bit IAS for more ed and other damage mods will be beneficial.
As for amulet you really should go with atmas on a pure strafer, no reason not to and you need to be able to handle the PIs.
Sigons? As a strafer you should have more then enough dexterity for blocking with almost any shield even if you're on HC. Also note that the blocking speed is horrible for amazons when using swinging weapons so I wouldn't count on a cta switch for blocking (unless I'm missing a thrusting weapon CTA can be made in

Yes, using a LL ring is advised, shouldn't be hard to get a good one, if nothing else you can some craft blood rings.|||Quote:
You're doing an overkill on IAS for a strafer, check the amazon bp's link in my sign for details. I'm sure you'll find that loosing a bit IAS for more ed and other damage mods will be beneficial.
As for amulet you really should go with atmas on a pure strafer, no reason not to and you need to be able to handle the PIs.
Sigons? As a strafer you should have more then enough dexterity for blocking with almost any shield even if you're on HC. Also note that the blocking speed is horrible for amazons when using swinging weapons so I wouldn't count on a cta switch for blocking (unless I'm missing a thrusting weapon CTA can be made in

Yes, using a LL ring is advised, shouldn't be hard to get a good one, if nothing else you can some craft blood rings.
I was just worried about getting stuck in a slow Strafelock. I'm a scrub when it comes to reading those tables, I'm just looking for an X/2 strafe. How much do you recommend with a WF? It looks like 50 or 80 ias for an X/3? Is that a big difference in speed?
My logic was the faster the better to keep the KB going and keep them away from me. More Atma procs too.
If I took off the Treachery I would probably opt for a CoH over a Fort anyway. If I can free up gear it's going to be for more survivability over ED% and stuff like that.
Sigons is for the +1 to BO from CTA. WF is 130ish str, and I don't really want to go to 156 for a Spirit to get another +1 skill on my BO. The blocking will rarely be used, but it's better than running away with a bow out.
Pretty new to zons, I find strafe so much fun. I'm no expert, that's why I wanted to run it by you guys.|||The strafe speed bug demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSQc9LHSXp8
Basically as far as we know now you're gaining only speed on the starting and ending frames of the strafe cycle, in other words you'll gain only 1 frame going from 50 IAS up to 120. When a full strafe takes about 37 frames (10 arrows fired at 50 IAS) that is only a 2.7% improvement (1/37).
CoH is a better armor then treachery for a pure strafer no doubt, good res, damage and some mf. Not to mention CoH has the LL you where missing

Now that you mention it there's not really much else to gain from any other shields, you could go with splendor or lidless for a bit fcr when casting bo but that's not really of great importance.|||There is no /2 strafe, /3 is the fastest that the server actually processes. /2 is just a client-side graphical error.
CoH is a waste over Fort, too, i think...you're only getting ~45% more resists, the +skills do very little, and especially in HC you shouldnt be taking that many hits anyway. Fort's huge ED bonus means you're far more likely to keep monsters in hit-recovery lock (you have to hit them for 1/14th of their max life, IIRC) which keeps you safe. You can also prebuff SA in a fire or something, for some extra def. I think even Lionheart would be better than Treachery for a pure strafer, with the big life bonus and dex/ED
Lidless also provides you with the +1 for BO, if you dont want to bulk up for Spirit, plus a little extra def, though it shouldnt matter much. If you have the time and wherewithal to switch to your shield to block an attack, you probably should have enough reaction time to just avoid it in the first place...blocking while running is capped at 25%, too.|||Awesome. Thanks so much guys, very helpful.
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