I've always been told that you need slvl 13 fanat or higher in order to be able to reach the 7fpa breakpoint. (did give krembananx's and kijya's guides a quick read, they both point out that you need slvl 13 or more).
Now, I was toying around with the german speed calc, and according to that an amazon "only" need 99 ias in order to reach the 7fpa bp with a hydra bow, which is not hard to obtain even with no ias from your armor(if you use fortitude), trough 40 from shael wf, 20 gloves, 10 belt and at least 30 from helm(ias jwl andy's, 2xias jwl giant skull, mav's helm etc).
This still leaves you open to use atma's amu.
Now my question is, is the german speed calculator wrong on this issue, or is it just nicer to only have to reach 95 ias on your gear (slvl 13 fanat).
Looking forward to a quick reply on the matter

zarf|||With lvl 12 Fana, you need 99IAS.
With lvl 13 Fana, you need 95IAS.
But I dont count 10IAS from the belt, cause you should use Razortail belt(33 Pierce, 10max dam, 15dex)|||Thank you for the swift reply.
I guess I will have to think it over a bit.
The reason I asked is that I had the chance to aquire a faith crusader earlier today for my wf-zon', but the 12 fana scared me away

Thank you for the swift reply.
I guess I will have to think it over a bit.
The reason I asked is that I had the chance to aquire a faith crusader earlier today for my wf-zon', but the 12 fana scared me away

You can reach 99IAS (or 95IAS) and use Razortail and Atma amu with this setup:
Wf 40IAS (or 35IAS with 40ed/15IAS Jewel)
Gloves 20IAS
Helm 45IAS
But a 120ed/45IAS helm would cost a TON of high runes, and imo not worth it. You can also ofc use a IAS socketed Mavina helm, but that helm doesnt offer much except the 30IAS. Or you can also use a random ED/45IAS helm.|||Also, Crusader bow is less than ideal for a Zon to wield, you really want a GMB. Faith in a non-Zon bow is really just for A1 mercs.|||Krem: Yeah, that's also an option, I guess I will have to try some different set-ups to see what I like the best.
I would certainly not invest in a 120/45, at least not anytime soon. It's either Mav's or perhaps a diadem with some decent ias / res/dmg/whatever-I'm-lacking.
I'm likely to try andy's with a 10 ias belt first though, since I have most, if not all, items for that set-up avaliable already.
Anyway, I ended up with the bow

droid: The faith is going to be used by a rogue merc, the zon herself will wield a wf. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in my first post

I totally recommend highlord, that way you are more flexible in other gear too, and do more damage with multishot. I know some ppl get pretty heated over this lol, but im pretty sure im right on this

I'm one of those people

I'd pick cat's eye over highlords on a bowa any day, and for pvm the atma's is really nice for breaking PI's. Highlords is a good amu, but I prefer other choices on bowazons.
Zon update:
I leveled myself up and gave her a test run, and OhMyGod! I love multishot at 7 frames with wf, complete lawnmower!
I did notice a small problem while questing though, more than rarely my rogue walks out of range or I run too far too fast for the aura to affect me, and I loose that sweet speed, if even for a moment it makes me a real sad panda

Since I'm all about the speed, I might try out using faith on myself and getting a might merc (as usual

The only problem is that I really like heather(my rogue, I power-hired act 1 normal until I got a fire rouge with that name

So do you have any tips on how to avoid losing the aura when running around? As I said above, I love speed on my bowazon, and that goes for frw too, so I don't want to loose all frw or stay and wait for my merc alot. I could get some source of teleport, preferably on switch, to grab her when she is lost, but that will get kinda annoying and costly when clearing large areas.
How do you merc-faith'ers do it?

zarf|||You could use an enigma build, 2 fcr circ or 08 valk, arach, ring for fcr, decent tele speed, not much damage lost. Atmas in inv for PIs
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