So, your choice is between:
Wire Fleece for looks
Dusk Shroud for resale value.
What do you prefer?|||Two very good choices, you cannot go wrong with either. Put them on, which graphic do you like? That is the one to use for Fortitude.
I wouldn't fuss much over amor values. Your stand in the back, if things go really bad and you get caught off guard by a pack of super fast possessed what evers, a couple of hundered amor one way of another won't matter.
Me I prefer the dusk shroud graphic, it takes me back to the day when Greyform was the armor of choice for the bowazon...sigh.
The dusk shroud is more familiar for trading.|||Thanks guys for the advice. They look similar to me, both kinda minimalistic (forgot the link to the page with different armor types on different characters). I do notice that people seem to want DS more in the trade channels. Maybe I should just go ahead with wire fleece for fort and save the DS for coh when I get the runes.|||I'd save the DS and Fort the WF, yes....most chars who want a Fort will have weapons with higher STR values (Fort is a physical-damage armor, after all). DS is better for CoH or Enigma, for casters who want to save on STR. And merc Forts are of course always going to be in ebugged armor. Really, if its not in an AP, trade-wise, any other light armor is the same.
I have a Fort Sup Wyrmhide this season, looks pretty awesome with the black plate armor

Woah if youre going pvp then its def the wrong bow to get used with
Like I said, I have never played one before. I have been reading up on it, seems that it is prohibitively expensive to make a decent PVP zon. So I think that I will just do pvm for the moment.|||Bow amazons lack resist so I would prefer using coh over fort. It sounds crazy but you will need resist since the build lacks resist.|||LOH and HL provide the important resists, and a couple of resist charms can max them
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