Saturday, April 14, 2012

Faith PVM Bowazon

[:1]This is to help anyone who is interested in making a Pure faith PVM Bowazon. This will be that Strafe as your main attack the rest i will leave to you because you are going against monsters. I would make a Forum but i do not have the time.

1st bow i tested was a

Perfect GM Faith

with 14-15 fanat and strafe you will need 35 ias to reach the 12.5 attacks per second 2fpa

Poor Helm-Tals for the gg leech and nice mods its just an awesome helm

This is easy to get so just use it. you will need to socket is with a 15 ias jewel.

Rich Armor-Coh for the gg resists plus damage to undead and demons remeber that this is person vs monster.

Poor Armor is Lion heart which is still gg it has awesome mods and resists and easy to make, some actually choose this over coh.

Rich Gloves-Crafted gloves with kb and 20 ias you can look the recipes up.

Poor Gloves-Clegaws set gloves but with these you will reach the maxx ias 3fpa which is 8.3 attacks per second

Belt-Razortail this is great because of pierce this you will need for PVM.

Boots-War travs because of the added damage and nice mods.

amulet- Atmas scarab this is a must because you will be strafing, with fanat you will hit amp dmg constantly.

If you cannot afford the 20 ias kb gloves then you can use the Highlords amulet but you will not do nearly as much damage as atmas, but you will reach the max ias 2fpa 12.5 attacks per second

Another option is use Laying of hands it has 20 ias and nice 350% damage to demons mod but you will lose kb. So you will need to choose

Rings-2 Raven frosts nice dex for added dmg.

Now for the Merc

Act 2 merc pole arm

Poor Helm-Tals for leech

Rich Weapon-EBOTD polearm

Poor Weapon-BoneHew

Rich Armor- Fortitude

Poor Armor-Duress easy to make and nice

Since you have Faith your merc will be pretty fast and have alot more damage.

This build is not the best but you can hell chaos and baal solo. There are other Bow builds that blow this one away and i will do them as well but if you are interested in doing this one i believe that the gear i listed and the merc is the best route.|||I believe any build using a Faith bow is going to beat any act in hell difficulty. You have leech covered with the modest Tals mask. Resists covered nicely. Pretty standard boots, belt rings. Amulet slot tends to stir up debate. I like Atma's, but there are a lot of good reasons to use the other one.

If you can afford any BoTD weapon, surely you can afford Pride. Mercs soak up damage, do a little crowd control, and more important provide aura's. You have played with BoTD and seem to favor it.

Thanks for the read.|||Too bad Botd isn't great on a merc like insight / reaper's / infinity would.

This guide from the stickies is slightly better than this, no offence intended. I believe faith on your merc (a1) and you using windforce is alot more potent combination.|||Quote:

Too bad Botd isn't great on a merc like insight / reaper's / infinity would.

I believe faith on your merc (a1) and you using windforce is alot more potent combination.

It would look good for the numbers in the strafe damage window, but from a play everywhere stand point, no. Especially when it comes to killing bosses. a1 mercs great at dying very fast leaving you with no aura and the new roll of tank.|||not a bad quick writeup. I agree with faith on you/A2 merc as well. fanat aura gives you more damage when it's on you vs. on your merc ( 288 vs 144 respectively for lvl 15), so you get much more from this vs. having it on your merc.

but on the flip side, PvM = flexibility, so a windforce is a viable option, and solo's hell just fine with other things. Plus it's inherent bowazon friendly stats (KB, LL, etc) would place it just under faith IMO. either works fine.

another quick and easy (but little more pricey) option for helm is Vamp gaze. less leech, makes up with Dr and other stats. and it at least looks a bit better on your zon

I tend to like to keep a witchwild string on switch (upped for more damage). same CtC as atma's, and also give a lvl 20 magic arrow to boot (until amp kicks in). free's up your ammy slot for other nice mods (cats eye as an example)|||I have tested all of these and this is what i came up with.

Windforce with faith merc and atmas for the physical immunes this the best route for sure. i also put on soul drainers because the act 1 merc are weak and this does help alot plus you get alot more leech

Upped witchwild string with faith merc but it still takes a little too long to cast amp damage with fanat so i still use atmas to give a 7% chance to cast, but still compared to the winforce this still is too low

Wrath with faith merc and highlords because you dont want to cancel decrepify. this bow is way better then the upped witchwild with 30% chance to cast decrepify this is very handy and teamed up with knock back. This bow still doesn't do as much as windforce but casting spells constantly is pretty cool. Keep in mind that decrepify is more for alot of people so its great for 8 player games.

Mavinas set with faith merc and atmas this surprisingly is very good when set is complete you get a +20% cold skill dmg. This build i made a strafer-cold and just killed Hell. Honestly this is a very good build because you get maxxed all resists, high damaging bow, awesome mods complete. I would say that this build just below the windforce but still has better mods and is awesome if you choose to use the cold arrows. You can also socket the helm armor and bow with cold facets |||Wrath is amazing for the physical immunes in the 3rd level of the worldstone. Decrepify slows the casting of those red things to managable level. It also prevents you from getting rushed/killed by the death lord packs that tend to attack so fast. Decrepify makes up for not having knockback.

Wrath-PI, Brand with Laying of Hands tears thru the CS, Faith everywhere else.|||I used GM wrath because it does the most damage with a merc faith so i can achieve the fastest ias and with laying of hands the still could hit me that is why i still say knock back gloves even clegaws would be gg because they would slow then down even more. I only use laying of hands with windforce because the bow already has knock back. The point of my post that i was making to help others out is that

1st is Windforce, faith merc, atmas, is the absolute best build.

2nd is Mavinas set, atmas.

3rd is GM Wrath, Highlords. not atmas because you dont want to cancel decrepify

4th is Upped witchwild Diamond bow, atmas.

and tied for 4th was the GM faith with ebotd merc which really the merc does all the work with fanat equiped....

I have all of these bows and if any 1 would like to join a game and see the difference it is obvious US East NL|||Quote:

This will be that Strafe as your main attack


If you are a Strafer, then a Faith isnt needed. A Windforce with a MightPride merc will be the #1 choice for damage.

I tend to like to keep a witchwild string on switch (upped for more damage). same CtC as atma's

Nitpick: Atma's has 5%, WWS has 2%. And IMO, a WWS is a very overrated bow, and with the discovery of the fake 2frame Strafe..WWS has lost its value.

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