I am looking to play a Bowazon in the new ladder (I quit after last ladder, had a really good Skelemancer) and am wondering what's a good build for general MFing/Boss Running? I'm hoping to build a more solid MFing build than my Skelemancer was - he was VERY fast, but killed bosses slower than molasses. I am also considering a Meteorb Sorc (played one last ladder as well); I understand a sorc has the advantages of no enigma tele, but I'd like to try out a zon for once.
Have absolutely nothing, no HRs, nothing.

|||sorc it is then

|||yeah sorcs better, bowazon is - funny enough - extremely dependent upon having a good bow

Javazon is also a decent option since LF and CS work extremely well in Normal-Nightmare with any replenishing jav, but the lack of TP is really gonna hurt you until you get to Pits in Hell for MFing.
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