I'm trying to get my str down as low as possible (she's a dexazon) without popping on death (there are no open squares in my inventory).
I know that I can subtract charm str (anni & torch) from my strength req but how bout + str items?
My top two strength requirments are Dancers (167) & Windy (134). With charms alone I can get that strength requirment down by 40 points. If I include all the gear with + strength I can get it down almost another 60 points (nos coil (15), rare ring(19) & gloves(15)windy(10)); which would leave me only needing to put 47 additional points into strength.
Have I completely lost it and I'm going to pop on first death or am I good?
Any help is appreciated.|||Why have you chose shadow dancers as your end game boots?
20 base
40 torch and anni
19 ring
15 Nos coil
15 gloves
109 strength
Could use a GMB faith 108 requirement?
I would look for some tri res boots or SST/Gores personally otherwise just put the 50 ish strength points in so you dont pop....|||Yeah Dancers are weird boots for a bowazon....you spend more on STR to equip them than you get back even with perfect +25 dex ones.
Better to go Gores or Travs (Travs give STR), or even Sander's boots if nothing else
As for the WF, there's a certain order that you pick up items from a corpse...I dont know it off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure Weapon is high on the list - which means that you should be able to equip your WF naked, ideally, counting only STR from charms.
And what do you mean by "pop", anyway? The only thing that should fall out of your corpse when you die is potions. The danger of not having enough STR comes when you only half-clear a corpse, and then die again, and the old corpse that still has a few of your items poofs.|||Quote:
Why have you chose shadow dancers as your end game boots?
20 base
40 torch and anni
19 ring
15 Nos coil
15 gloves
109 strength
Could use a GMB faith 108 requirement?
I would look for some tri res boots or SST/Gores personally otherwise just put the 50 ish strength points in so you dont pop....
I like the Dancers (besides the str req) 30frw/30fhr/25dex.
Not really interested in switchin my windy.
Bottom line is, I'll pop if I don't put those 50ish points in?|||Quote:
Yeah Dancers are weird boots for a bowazon....you spend more on STR to equip them than you get back even with perfect +25 dex ones.
Better to go Gores or Travs (Travs give STR), or even Sander's boots if nothing else
As for the WF, there's a certain order that you pick up items from a corpse...I dont know it off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure Weapon is high on the list - which means that you should be able to equip your WF naked, ideally, counting only STR from charms.
And what do you mean by "pop", anyway? The only thing that should fall out of your corpse when you die is potions. The danger of not having enough STR comes when you only half-clear a corpse, and then die again, and the old corpse that still has a few of your items poofs.
So 'pop' only occurs when there are multiple corpses? I didn't know that.
I'm also thinkin now that a pair of eth Treks might be the answer, as opposed to the Dancers. 70 less str req, has frw/fhr like Dancers, and has +15 str.|||Why you want to use those +str items? By using LoH, Razortail, WT/Gores and Raven you kill much faster even with 134 str (or 200... str

Don't replace those most important slots with +str items.|||Those would be a bit more orthodox. Keep in mind, though, that Zons have no skill to boost def like Pallies, Barbs, or even Sorcs, meaning high-def-value armor is much more useless to us. The difference between eth Treks and regular Gores is going to be maybe 1% less chance-to-be-hit, if that much. Zon's survivability comes from D/E/A, which is irrespective of def.
Likewise, FHR is much less useful to a Bowzon, who doesn't get hit that much (between Valk and merc tanking, KB from the bow, and just generally being outside melee range). Again, D/E/A is a Zon's defensive skillset, and those animations are (unfortunately) unaffected by FHR.
Gores are useful because the DS and CB add considerably to your DPS, especially when using Strafe (CB helps Strafe, DS helps both Strafe and MS). Travs are useful for the STR bonus, and because the +damage bonus gets multiplied considerably when you have lots of Dex and Fort. Sanders boots are a super cheap alternative that gives you 40% FRW (more than any other), 100 AR (multiplied by dex and Penetrate), and +15 between Str and Dex (same as Treks).
And I still dont get what you mean by "pop"...your gear should never actually fall on the ground where others can pick it up. It should either be in your inventory, or in your corpse on the ground.|||I see no mention of your helm. Andariel's Visage is good for at least 25 or more strength. Not saying the ias/LL/+skills is an off set to the hit to fire resist. If you do use LoH for hands then this might help you unload the +str charms for physical/elemental damage charms.|||I'll try and clear some things up since i'm not sure my original post made enough sense.
Gear first:
Gaze (ed/ias)
WF (ed/ias)
Cats eye
Nosf Coil
Raven / Rare ring (ar/ll/str/dex/)
x/25 Dancers
Rare gloves (bow/ias/str/ml/res) - end game gloves will be pass/ias/str/dex/res
20/20 torch
20/20 anni
29 * max/ar/frw sc's
7* allres/frw sc's
1 *allres/fhr sc
eth gaze
eth fort
eth pride (lvl 20)
Stats with gear/charms
Dex 515.
Str 187.
With this setup I'm at 9 fps attack (with 5 ias to spare over bp if I rem correctly)
Also at 7fps fhr animation (the thinking behind this was when getting swarmed and D/E/A didn't activate- gave me extra 'chance')
GA max is 7k without merc auras (might/conc).
Now that's out of the way; here's the original thought process. I have a number of items which provide +str. Windforce, nosf coil, ring, gloves, anni, torch. The original idea was to respec and place the minimum amount of points into strength possible. As in add up all the +str items and charms, then subtract that total from the item with the highest str requirment (Dancers @ 167 in this case). That would give me the mimimum amount of points I needed to put into strength above the base 20 a zon starts out with at lvl 1. Those points would then be available to go straight into dex. Now back in 1.09 if you died and didn't have enough str/dex to equip an item and didn't have the inventory room to stash it you would 'pop' and those items you could not equip or stash would end up on the ground beside your corpse (not even sure if this problem still exists in 1.13). This is the problem I'm trying to work around, so that if I should kick it, god forbid, I don't end up with 'unequipable' items (due to str req) on the ground instead of on me.
Hope this clears some things up; and thanks everyone for your ideas.|||I see the concern about the body popping and losing gear. The short answer is I have not experienced the body pop thing or problems requipping all items when picking up my body. I also respecc'ed to minimize str investment. My character does not meet the minimum str requirement to hold the "heaviest" piece of gear, but with bonuses from other pieces, I can equip everything, and when I retrieve the body everything goes right in place, nothing left on the ground.
So you could be killed, find your self in the middle PI pack of flying witches, quickly run in, click on your body and you will have all your stuff, minus potions and some loose change that fell out of your pockets as you hit the ground.
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