But, do to the dis respectfulness of people in public games she can no longer make the portal in any difficulty. Her gear is focused on running fast, throwing javelins fast, and being protected if she gets swarmed (she uses the gloom runeword, which has saved my life countless times with its chance to cast dim vision when she gets hit)
So i figure she is basically useless now, but i was wondering whether there is another area she could run, or if i would be better off making a new amazon?
(Her skills are set up for a high damage charged strike and lightning fury, plus a valkyrie who can't damage but can tank with the best of them)|||You dont have to retire her....you can make a new char and get them up through Hell Baal, and they can open the portal for your amazon. Since you apparently like to cow in public games, its not as big a deal to drop the leg somewhere, swap chars and open a portal, then swap back to your zon to clear cows. Just make sure to never actually run cows with your opener or stay partied in-game....just in, open, and out.
This also has the advantage of, now that you've already been king-marked, you can kill the king as much as you want with your zon now and it wont hurt you or anyone else.
This is why I never party when cowing in public games, though...someone ALWAYS has to be a dumbass and thinks its hilarious to kill the king. If you dont party, you wont get king-marked even if someone does kill him.|||Hell no, the javazon is the fastest killing build in the game, it is the fastest runner in almost every area, theres plenty of butt kicking for even a non-cow java.|||you should have been using another character to make portals all along so that you could kill the king with her (though that's not always the easiest thing to do). letting the king live is a shame.|||Well i kept her alive, thanks for the suggestions. I actually almost always cow in private games, its the very few times I join a pub for the better drops that it's been ruined

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