Im a hybridzon, and i would like to know if i have to use Charged Strike for Melee and for range (Bow/Lightning Fury ?) ?
Thanks in advance|||Ghost,
I am new to zons so I won't be a lot of help, but I find that you should't be doing much melee if at all. I think the whole idea of a zon is to kill it before it gets close enough to kill you. I am building a Strafe/LF hybrid that kills most everything before it gets to me and I let the merc and valk to the melee'ing. Use them as meat shields at the very least and you should hardly ever get touched. Learn how to put them between you and monsters and you should be ok except for the occassional surprise. I spray out Strafe liek crazy, then LF for a few volleys, strafe again, rinse and repeat. There isn't much that has stopped me so far, excpet for souls but I learned how to deal with them also.
Good luck man.|||Just curious because zon vs zon you might be forced to melee but not sure if lightning strike is better than charge strike .|||Probably worth stating whether you are focusing mainly on PvP or PvM, tho i think that's becoming clear

Plus, I'm pretty sure CS doesnt work the same in PvP. CS is so awesome because vs large targets, all the bolts hit...but against player-sized targets, not all the bolts hit, so your damage is markedly lower.|||For melee vs single targets definitely charged strike (both pvm and pvp). I wouldn't recommend using light strike for anything more than synergy... It may be of some use for pvm pure light javas meleeing vs more spread out targets, but CS/LF do the job as well regardless.|||Ahh PvP...totally different monster.
This, I have NO knowledge of. Sorry.
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