What really got me hooked was the idea of Uber trist running with this zon, coz I have not seen a single uber trist guide for a zon.
Could anyone tell me whether this build can do trist and whether this is hell-viable? I've already got most of the end-game equipment for her if thats a factor.
Any inputs would be appreciated!
-ashwathama|||Hell viable. Not sure how well it can do Uber Tristam (or if it can at all lol), but with Dracul's and 300% Resistances, and some form of crowd control (lol) you should be fine.|||of course it could trist, no question about it. it'd be very, very similar to a kick sin. i've heard of more than a few jabbers doing trist, but have not read any write ups about it.|||The only reason a kick sin can manage trist is because of her defensive skills, which the zon has zero of. Your going to have to sell your house if you want ideal gear for her.
I got a dodgeless melee zon. They're like an obsidian blade. They hurt, but they shatter with little effort. If you want to be on the safe side you have to sacrafice your cta with a 2 hand spear and a shield/jav combo. Spears clear mobs fast, but can't handle physical immunes since you can't use lightning bolt/fury. The other way around, your balanced, safe, but weak. High CB will make up for that though.
I don't agree about the author's idea of using botd in a mat pike. A mat spear is slightly weaker, but breaks through attack frames much sooner, and speed is pretty important when you have no defenses and depend entirely on life leech alone. And they good awsome mininum dmg too so your leeching is even.
I choose a merc with faith to make my speed even more ridiculous. An act2 merc with reaper's toll/might would probably be more effective though.|||I've read the guide, and I've been thinking about fortitude in a faster spear and a high defense armour. 300% damage and 315% defense (115 from cold armour) should give you enough defense to not get hit too much without avoid skills, and the other mods are just gravy. 2 troubles I see are attack speed and CB. I'll run some numbers to check if it's doable...
In a mancatcher you can get 6,5,5,... Fend (needs 60 IAS)
dmg~= 375 per lvl 20 fend strike (not counting DS/CS, strength,...)
In a mat. spear you can get 7,5,5,... Fend (needs 65 IAS)
dmg~= 505 per lvl 20 fend strike (not counting DS/CS...)
So looking at this, it seems like building Fortitude in a mat. spear seems like a doable idea. With fort, a high defence armour, and the CTC the cold armour, you should be able to get high defence, even with treachery rw. Build treachery in an elite breast plate (close to the str req of the mat. spear), and you'll have around 2000 defence from the armour and fort (not counting your other defensive items). It should be possible to double that with some sigons parts (also gives us the 20 IAS we still need, ll and AR), and if we need more, a defiance merc. That should make the zon virtually unhittable while having decent resists, even for an affordable price.
Edit 2:
fortitude matriarchal spear
upped stealskull
treachery great hauberk
upped SoE
would net you 4000 ~ 4500 defence for 118 strenght with decent resists and over 30% DR. With a defiance merc you wouldn't be hit much. No dodge skills or valk means you can max some lightning skills too.|||It would seem that using a Fort spear might be more suited to a PvP "iron zon" jabber build, where you just go for psycho def rating with ePrudence or Stone...without shield blocking, even with "decent" resists and 30%DR, I dont think your defense will be enough for Hell PvM without a Valk to share the load. Too many monsters with autohitting attacks that circumvents the benefit of high def. Both Jab and Fend are also, IIRC, interruptable.|||Don't do fort in a spear, it has no ias. Botd is the only obvious option and it can be ethereal.
I already tried the high defense route. Getting to 10,000 defense is nice, but you still get hit with no trouble so it's just a waste. If you want survivability, aim for faster attack speeds, and damage/AR, life leech. Your only option is to leech faster than they can deal dmg to you.
If your going to go with lightning skills, don't bother with the melee ones, they'll be way too weak to be useful. Just have a jav on swap and max lightning fury, lightning bolt is a one point wonder though and will work great agaisnt PIs with a good level pierce. Lightning fury is a wonder too that works wickedly maxed alone, though bolt works a bit better for PIs.
But you'll probably want to get your decoy at level 20 at least, but your better off just maxing it. It's the only thing you got to offer for defense. It helps alot, trust me...|||Ok thanks for all the replies guy!
Right now she is lvl 75:
20 pierce
20 fend
20 jab
~10 in CS
13 spare skill pts
no decoy,D/A/E.
Planning to go for lightning fury and max that out.
lycanders flank - going to up and shael it
guillames - not socketed
duriels shell - making a treachory soon as a sub until coh
angelic amulet - swap out for highlords?
angelic ring - swap out for dwarf/wisp projector?
gore riders
credendum - dungos maybe?
Fend - 2200, ~9900 ar
Jab - ~1200, ~8300 ar
For weapon switch im thinking titans(non-eth) with a sanctuary in a troll nest
She is pretty good in nm and takes on minions of destrcution pretty easily- her LL is enough to survive, but in hell she has too few hitpoints to survive more than a few fallen hits

1)Ive only put ~90 pts in vitality because Ive been saving up for max block...anyone have the blocking formula?
2)Should I ditch sanctuary and go with stormshield so that I get better blocking as well as damage reduction?
3)Is the angelic combo a must to hit things in hell? Right now I have a good 85%+ with the angelics...not sure If i should go for the 20 ias from highlords and maybe extra life/lite absorb from dwarf/wisp.
4) Is the lycanders the best weapon she can get? I have an ethereal war pike and im pretty sure I have a zod lying around somewhere....no matriarchal spears tho

sorry for the barrage of questions hehe
thanks again!
Ok thanks for all the replies guy!
Right now she is lvl 75:
20 pierce
20 fend
20 jab
~10 in CS
13 spare skill pts
no decoy,D/A/E.
Planning to go for lightning fury and max that out.
lycanders flank - going to up and shael it
guillames - not socketed
duriels shell - making a treachory soon as a sub until coh
angelic amulet - swap out for highlords?
angelic ring - swap out for dwarf/wisp projector?
gore riders
credendum - dungos maybe?
Fend - 2200, ~9900 ar
Jab - ~1200, ~8300 ar
For weapon switch im thinking titans(non-eth) with a sanctuary in a troll nest
She is pretty good in nm and takes on minions of destrcution pretty easily- her LL is enough to survive, but in hell she has too few hitpoints to survive more than a few fallen hits

1)Ive only put ~90 pts in vitality because Ive been saving up for max block...anyone have the blocking formula?
2)Should I ditch sanctuary and go with stormshield so that I get better blocking as well as damage reduction?
3)Is the angelic combo a must to hit things in hell? Right now I have a good 85%+ with the angelics...not sure If i should go for the 20 ias from highlords and maybe extra life/lite absorb from dwarf/wisp.
4) Is the lycanders the best weapon she can get? I have an ethereal war pike and im pretty sure I have a zod lying around somewhere....no matriarchal spears tho

sorry for the barrage of questions hehe
thanks again!
If you have an ethereal plain war pike you can socket with larzuk to make botd, by all means, go for it! It's the most powerful weapon, but it isn't the fastest option. Alot better than what your stuck with atm without a doubt. Many would be satisfied with that, personally I prefure more speed. You shouldn't have trouble though leeching your life back up with it.
Angelics is nice. You should keep it in your stash as backup for the ancients/bosses. Your AR is good enough for every other occasion.
Dungos, string of ears. Easier to reach 86% and more life to survive, or more leech and reduction to magic. Uhh.....
I would pump alot more into VIT. 70-72% block with stormshield is good enough. Purpose of shield/jav combo is to deal with PIs and mobs that would tear you to shreds using a spear.
CS is useless with just fury maxed, just max fury and leave the rest alone. And your going to have a hard time in hell in areas without a decoy. Jab isn't that important to max either, it's only maxed for a AR boost for ubers.|||So...go for decoy and get a stromshield over sanctuary?
and by CS i meant critical strike

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