here's my gear set up:
-Faith matriarchal bow w/ lvl 15 fanatacism
-mavinas diadem w/ 15ias jewel socketed
-atmas amulet
-20ias kb gloves
-ravenfrost and mana leech ring
i chose faith in a matriarchal bow because i wanted to hit the break point easier and so i could shoot faster, i dont know if this is right but i used a weapon speed calculator and it said all i needed was 8% ias more to reach the bp for faith in a mat bow....not sure if it's right or not, sounded to good to be true, so that's why i used this type of bow.
i'm thinking now i should've have used a Grand matron bow instead, i know i won't reach the 9fpa bp, but will i still be in the 8fpa range with my same gear set up? 45ias from mavs and 20ias from gloves, which would be 65ias, i'm not gonna put on highlords or nos coil unless i really have to, to reach the 8fpa.
also another bow i was thinking is a shael'd windforce, if i use this would i hit the 9fpa bp or 8fpa bp with the same gear set up? so 40ias from wf, 45ias from mavs, 20ias from gloves, which would give me a total of 105 ias. Can WIAS be calculated into the total IAS to reach the bp or is that seperate?
and i just wanted to add, i'm not gonna be using a merc, so no faith merc or pride/might merc, etc...because most of the time they don't follow me and just wander off and they die so easily by diablo

thanks for reading this, hopefully it's not too long :x

The strafe speed bug demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSQc9LHSXp8
Basically as far as we know now you're gaining only speed on the starting and ending frames of the strafe cycle, in other words you'll gain only 1 frame going from 50 IAS up to 120. When a full strafe takes about 37 frames (10 arrows fired at 50 IAS) that is only a 2.7% improvement (1/37).
There is no /2 strafe, /3 is the fastest that the server actually processes. /2 is just a client-side graphical error.
BTW the bow we were discussing was a WF that I was going to hit 120 Ias for, until I heard this. With no Fanat at all btw.
So aim for 50 Ias.
Also with a WF, you can use LoH instead of those crafted gloves since you get another source of KB, that dmg to demons might help. You should be able to upgrade your helm as well.
Faith Mat bow would be better for PvP or a Multi Zon

if you're pure strafe, then you can eschew IAS entirely since you have more than enough from the fanat on your bow alone. 2os Giant Skull with 2 +15 Max/XXX jewels (not 15 max/enhance damage, thats bugged) and either LoH for the +EDvD, or maybe Blood crafted gloves for 10% CB.
Also, you need a merc, its really not negotiable. The benefits they provide through tanking, damage, and especially auras are a substantial fraction of your total effectiveness. I really dont know why you have a problem with them "wandering off" either, and a properly equipped merc should be able to SOLO diablo relatively easy, let alone merely survive him. Tals helm, ebugged Treachery, and an elite Obedience in an A2 Might merc will be almost completely hands-free for you, and provide you with a substantial boost to your damage...if you can get him a Pride, even moreso.|||@crushingblow: thanks for the reply and link, really helped me a lot

ya, mavs diadem is just a temporary thing for the ias, i'm trying to make a 120/45 helm so i can get that extra damage, my other option though is a kiras tiara i could really use the resistance badly

ya i starting to see that faith is more pvp oriented although it's still good for pvm. i just made myself a "wrath" bow and wow this is such a great weapon i'm starting to like it more than windforce :x the 30% ctc decrepify is so awesome.....
@droid: yea i'm a strafezon, sorry i don't know too much about zons too much but i hear a lot about breakpoints for strafe, MS, GA, that i just blend them all together i guess that isn't right thing to do hehe

oh i didn't know putting 40ed/15ias jewels in giantskull is bugged, that's good to know o.o
well i dont mind using the merc, they are very useful yes, but when i do nihlathalk runs or baal runs those vipers wipe him out, same with those succubus looking minions that are physical immune and shoot red balls (forgot their name) And with diablo, he gets killed by the firestorm. Although i gave my merc another try and seems to be doing fine, just playing carefully and tp'ing out when necessary.
i'm using ebugged fortitude atm, is treacher more better? and i'm using obedience as you suggested instead of reapers toll and it works really well

ED/+Max jewels are bugged, because the ED only applies to the +Max from the jewel
Vipers and Pit Witches can be annoying, yes, but just keep a couple of purples in your belt for your merc and you should be fine. Also, Call to Arms is extremely useful for keeping your merc alive, and apparently you can afford it. I'd stick with your current merc gear setup, eFort is much better than Treachery, and if you can get an eth elite Obedience, so much the better too.|||Quote:
BTW the bow we were discussing was a WF that I was going to hit 120 Ias for, until I heard this. With no Fanat at all btw.
So aim for 50 Ias.
Sorry, just to confirm, because I keep getting confused about this too.
according to the strafe IAS breakpoint guide, WindForce has 10wsm, which means:
10 WSM Bow
0% IAS 15/4
3% IAS 14/4
11% IAS 13/3
26% IAS 12/3
42% IAS 11/3
46% IAS 10/3
80% IAS 9/3
120% IAS 9/2
157% IAS 8/2
But since there is no such thing as /2, the highest I can get is 9/3, in which case i need 80% IAS, but because WF has built in 20% IAS, all i'm really looking for is 60%?
thanks|||I wouldnt even bother with any BPs at all. Raw WF puts you at 13/3, even if you dont use any other IAS, the most you're shaving off going to 9/3 is four frames out of 43. Shael the WF and use LoH, and you get 3 of those 4; the last really isnt worth sacrificing other equipment.|||Quote:
Sorry, just to confirm, because I keep getting confused about this too.
according to the strafe IAS breakpoint guide, WindForce has 10wsm, which means:
But since there is no such thing as /2, the highest I can get is 9/3, in which case i need 80% IAS, but because WF has built in 20% IAS, all i'm really looking for is 60%?
Yes, 60 ias for 9/3. Those are calculated with the base weapon in mind, so any Ias modifiers on the bow will count towards your bp's.
I've been playing this build a lot lately and I agree with droid. Shael the WF, use a pair of LoH. 10/3 is more than enough, it's not worth the sacrifice elsewhere in your gear to get 1 extra starting frame.|||Personally, I just go for the: 26% IAS 12/3 (Wf and LoH).
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