PVM character !
Thanks !|||Jab gets little benefit from maxing
Impale is so slow that Jab always does more damage
Fend is probably your best bet, but be aware it suffers from the DEA bug|||what is the DEA bug ?|||DEA stands for Dodge Evade Avoid. The DEA bug happens when one of these skills activate when you are using the skill Fend. Your character will continue the animation of the Fend attack, but all subsequent attacks after the bug kicks in will miss for that cycle. If you get surrounded, and have DEA activating frequently, you cannot get a hit in.
If you successfully make a spearazon, congratulations to you. They aren't easy. The Javelin/Spear skill tree is much more suited to Javelins than spears.|||More crucially about the DEA bug, if you just hold down the button to continuously Fend, all your attacks after dodging/avoiding/evading will continue to miss until you release the key and click it again.
If your instinct is to run into a big pack and just hold down Fend until everything's dead, you'll really have to fight that to make spearazon work. And even if you overcome that, your mouse button will take a lot of abuse

Which skills should i max Jab or Fend or Impale
I have played many Spearies, and have a bit of advice to offer. In short, physical damage Spearies are a niche build. If you are even considering Impale you have no idea what you are in for
For me, pure phys Spearie is max Fend, 7 Jab, 1 DAE, max Valk, dump the rest of the pts into Crit and Penetrate, and Decoy to boost the Valk. I would also consider, though have not tried, no DAE or valk, max Decoy, leaving more pts for Jab and Penetrate and Crit.
In long...
First, they are hard. You have no shield, you need a lot of stat points for the big sticks (so low vit), and they can be slow. That said, Spearies are cool. Very cool.
Fend is tricky, but powerful. With a fast, high damage spear it approaches an AOE skill. But, it can be interrupted in the worst of ways. That is, if you get hit for >12% of HP, or DAE (or block if Jav) is triggered, you will continue to fend but the blows will all be whiffs. Jab is interruptable in the same way but less noticeable because of its speed.
When interrupted, you wont be doing any damage, and you can't do anything else until the cycle finishes, which can be quite long with a slow spear and 12 baddies to poke at. Some get around this by not having any DAE (so no Valk...), most just put 1 pt in each to get Valk and fend over her. The latter is my usual tack, as spears have such a long range that it is easy poke from behind the merc and valk so you are not being hit much anyway. True, you could just use a decoy and no DAE, but a valk is a mobile shield. Your choice.
No, what I should have said first is avoid Impale like the plague. Impale sucks, sucks, sucks. It is too slow. Glacial, in fact. It's even interruptable, just like Fend and Jab, only the baddies have more time to interrupt you.
So that leaves Jab, which at a decent, no mana costing level is nice, but you may want those pts elsewhere. That is because all Spearies are tempted by the "light" side. You will face PI's, and what better way to handle them than a lightning skill? And a synergized Charged Strike rocks the bosses as CS can be hit with multiple bolts in one strike. And you can synergize CS with Lightning Strike, a chain lightning type skill. And if all you are doing is skill-based lightning damage, why use a slow spear when you can use a fast Jav AND have a shield? Just max Jab for PI's and forget fend.
True, you can fend with a jav, but any successful block will interrupt it, so why have a shield? I've tried "hybrid" spear for physical with Jav/shield for lightning on weapon switch, but the stat reqs for the weapon sets left too little for vit (I'm HC). If you want to make a Spearie, stay true to the phys damage route, do not be seduced by the light side. Or not, it's your 'toon.
For more info and wisdom on Spearies than I can provide, check out the Ama forum stickies and the AmazonBasin (google). Yeah, and Impale sucks. We shall never speak of it again.
Good luck,
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