First, and im sure this is opinion, is the bowazon better or worse now in 1.13?
Has multi-shot or strafe changed much? Any advantage of one over the other?
Does the buff to immolation arrow make that worth while?
thanks for any input.|||-Better, a little...really the only major diff is that you can use an A2 merc while running the CS now
-Nope. And its not a question of one vs the other, any zon using MS uses Strafe too
-Nope. Fire still sucks because of the cooldown timer|||i guess there is cooldown cause otherwise it will crah the games|||I dont think it has much to do with crashing servers, but more a stupid dream of blizzard coders, from the time when they added timers to all the skills(no skills had timers back in the ole' days)|||Quote:
i guess there is cooldown cause otherwise it will crah the games
I don't think it crashed the game, I think it's added because of people desyncing the server using the torch multiple times to dupe. So if the game detects too many torches going off in a time period, it drops the game.
I remember when torches first came out people were duping with that method.|||Torches crashed games, yes, but Immo Arrow never really did
They put the timer on it because they felt that stacking fire-fields at 8-9 FPA was a little too overpowered, I guess...|||it wasnt good as a general skill, only for boss killing so not imba at all|||hmm stacking 30 k meteors is not overpowered...|||meteor is also timered...imagine if you could cast Meteor at 8 frames like Fireball

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