Thursday, April 12, 2012

Delirium the greatest Strafe zon helm?

[:1]I decided to make a zon and I had a lem ist io and a 3 soc helm on a mule. So I make it and start using it on my strafe zon. Confuse goes off so mucb why don't I hear more people talking about this great helm? Monsters start attacking each other which takes pressure of your merc and valk.|||eh, there are better ways to get crowd control on a strafer. there are hardly any other good mods that apply to a ranged character on it; 2 skills you dont need and ctc confuse. most people like to get their leech on their hat and there are numerous good hats for that. it's better on your merc where the mind blast, and terror go off too. plus no one likes to turn into a doll.

for crowd controlling hat on a strafer, i prefer face of horror. it at least has big strength and some res.|||It's a very good helm for a strafer. It's annoying on most characters since the CTC morph is incredibly annoying when you get hit a lot, but a well played strafer almost never gets hit.

The reason I never use it is because I never play a pure strafer, as I find a combination of Multi/Strafe/GA works much better. When using anything other than strafe, the lack of IAS compared to an Andy's or a circlet socketed with IAS jewels results in an incredibly slow multishot, especially since as a strafer you wont have much IAS gear. Not to mention that Andy's has LL which is hugely important.

Really though, I think the reason more people don't use it is because its a safe option (meaning its designed to keep you alive) as opposed to a damage option (kills things faster). In softcore, people are much more concerned with the latter, which means that helms that add killing speed through IAS and Damage jewels are far better. As a hardcore strafer, I would definitely consider Delirium, it may be the greatest HC strafe helm, but for most people its not the case.|||Also, Confuse will overwrite Amp or Decrep, which severely reduces your DPS. And monsters hitting each other dont do nearly as much damage as you hitting them with bonus damage.

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