Saturday, April 14, 2012

Is hell supposed to be this tough for a javazon?

[:1]So I just had a very hard time finishing act 1 in Hell as a LF javazon.

Whenever I meet more than 3 lightning immune mobs, I need to spend a lot of time killing them spending pots, etc. My merc doesn't seem to survive so well either.. I'm level 70, started a week ago or so, so my gear is definitely not stellar. Am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to farm nightmare till I have almost all decent uniques?|||How much life leech does your merc have? The more you get the better their survivability will be.

As far as LI mobs goes do you have any back up attacks or are you pure lighting? If you're pure lighting you'll want to try to find a wand with charges of lower resist to break the immunity. Not all monsters can have their immunities broken but a good number can. If you're using poison javelin as a back up attack it does tend to take a bit of time to kill mobs but it is effective at getting them down in conjunction with physical damage from your merc/valk/jab.|||If you want to keep you merc alive you need to be at least level 75+ before entering hell.

What's your skill spread, resists and +skills?|||I'm pure lightning (no valk or poison) right now. The wand sounds like a good idea, I guess I'll keep looking for one.

I only have +2 skills atm, 1 in all necessary steps and 20 in charged strike, LF, and i think lb. 1 point in the skills leading up to pierce.

I think my resists are somewhere between 20 and 40 on hell, can't remember the exact numbers off the top of my head. It'll be lower when I get my spirit monarch done..

However, I have no problems with bosses, normal mobs, etc, just LI mobs, especially a (ranged) miniboss LI mob group that will eat both me and my merc alive in the matter of 10~ seconds.

If I can't find a wand with lower resist, I guess I'll have to reset my skills and get some poison skills...|||I'm honestly not sure the best place or clvl to be to find a wand with the charges but a good way (admittedly possibly very boring way) is to just run in and out of town and check the act's respective wand vendor each time until you find one. Also they can be rather pricey on the gold so just be ready for that before you start.

Unless you really don't want to use the valk in your play style I'd highly recommend getting some points in her. She's a very beefy tank even in hell and could definitely help soak some damage when you run into a LI unique. Along a similar vein, you could also try to use decoy to help draw aggro and soak some damage. The decoy isn't always the best once you're under fire though, the amazon's slow casting speed mean she tends to get interrupted a lot especially if its a ranged.|||Just make a Fishyzon already. What better way to handle the immunes you're struggling with than to freeze them solid?|||Solo single tree lightning zons are really only fully viable with very good gear.

At ladder start or notwink dual tree zons poison/lightning or lightning/bowskill (fishymancer) are better at soloing the entire game.

Switching from CS zon (very fast build through normal and nightmare) on entering hell to a skirmisher one with 20 in PJ/PJ/LF and valk, 1 in all prerequisites and other passives is my hardcore preference. Bosskilling can be slow but progress elsewhere steady aiming for zero melee contact.

Plague javelin/decoy left and right click with fury and decoy on weapon switch. Valk is buff cast at start of session to high levels with athlete's gloves(shopped)/amulet(gambled)/circlet(gambled), shop bought maidens javelin, sigons or spirit shield and peace armour.|||I haven't tried PJ with a crap setup, but a quick look at the numbers tells me they should put out roughly similar DPS. The advantage of FA is that it freezes them solid, allowing your merc to stay alive more easily and help beat them down, while PJ's damage over time and lack of crowd-control makes it trickier.|||Slow Missles is often overlooked, but can be a life saver against ranged attackers.|||First off, yes, Hell is hard. There's a huge jump in difficulty. I've never played Hell without farming bosses for better equipment first but honestly, Hell is hard even with a bunch of good uniques.

Proper skill/stat allocation is a big part of it, especially since it seems you have a huge problem with LIs, but definitely try to go back to Nightmare and get better equipment.

The upgrade from some random janky gloves and a Bloodfist (which is a pretty common drop even from normal Andariel) is enormous, and that's just one example.

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