so i'm making a javazon and i'm having trouble deciding which should be the next step for me in terms of equipment. Basically, i've narrowed down my options as to what to trade for next but i'd like you opinion.
my current javazon:
lvl 86
1 right side of passive tree
20 in ls, cs, lf, ps and rest into lightning bolt
helm: shako 139 (um)
armor: Treachery mage plate
amulet: maras 22 res
weapon: upg titans 191% (non ethereal)
shield: spirit 27%
belt: razortail
rings: 15 raven / dwarf
gloves: (my babies

boots: 10/15 sandstorms
charms: torch 10/14
other crappy +life scs
merc: act 2 might merc
armor: upg ethereal shaftstop
weapon: insight ca (non ethereal)
helm: gaze (7/8/19)
So, basically, im doing cow runs and dia runs. I can handle light immunes surprisingly well with jab + might merc

Infinity: at a cost of 2 hrs its going to take a loooong while before i can get this. This is the best option to improve my kill speed but due to the fact that im poor I'm not considering this as an alternative for now.
Coh: This is expensive for me as well and even though it would help me a great deal, i would have to make a few adjustments to my gear particularly because of the loss of ias from treachery.
Replace the dwarf star for a soj: not that bad of an option even though with insight merc the mana is negligable i would still benefit from +1 all skills. Not that expensive to trade for either. (plus the dwarf star isnt benefiting me much). other options would be another raven or even a wisp but due to the areas i run, gloams arent a problem so wisp is not that necessary.
Annihilus: this would, in my opinion, be the best place to spend my cash on, it would help me in a better way than any of the other options in terms of cost/benefit relationship. But i do not know the price for this so im not sure.
I need the help of more experienced javazons, because im on a really tight budget I dont have money to get everything i want/need so im just asking for opinions. Any help would be appreciated. Keep in mind that my only source of "steady" income is farming for pgs, jewels, and rals so it might take awhile for me to get ist runes and valuable socketables.
Regards to everyone and thanks in advance|||first i would get a infinity merc, then a griffon, finally a COH (a Vipermagi works here too).
some rare rings can beat soj unless you look for skills here. i prefer silkweave for my javazons (but i have infi merc so no insight).
anni depends on you. it is always useful for any build.|||In terms of importance/cost-gain ratio I�d say that no1 priority for you would be to get full skiller set. Inventory like cube, tome of TP, torch, 7 x Java GC, Gheed and 10 small charms with whatever you want (my choice would be FRW/mana or FRW/LR or if you want go with MF and whatever prefix you want)
Bear in mind that you need only 55IAS. Everything else isn�t needed. You get 20 from gloves so only 35 is needed to get job done. Imo best option would be to pick HLW/Cat�s eye for 20IAS and use jewel with 15 IAS in your helm. Cat�s eye vs HLW is your choice. My choice would be HLW, but need *some* FRW to get you moving.
That would free your armor slot and you could use anything there � Skulder�s for MF, Vipermagi for resists or (my favorite) 4os armor with life (you can self shop this at Anya�s) filled with facets. They don�t have to be perfect - cheap ones will do fine; 4 x 4/4 would make nice 16/16 armor that would rack up your dmg quite nicely.
Easy and nice upgrades would be replacing treks with War Travelers. Treks are crap for PvM. Travs add nice physical dmg (15-25 dmg iirc) and MF. 55 fhr from Spirit is enough making Treks redundant. FHR is also generally needed for PvP and not so much for PvM.
Toss Dwarf Star and use anything. Really anything. SoJ is good, mana leech/mana ring with adds would be even better imo since with good enough mana leech you could toss away insight from merc for Reaper�s to add much better attack dmg vs LIs. Speaking of LIs� you can shop wand with Lower resist charges from Akara pretty easy. It can break LIs and if you have some �elr (from armor) it would work quite nicely. That would work until you can get your hands on CtA and other high end stuff.
After that you only want to get some high end stuff like Griffons and CtA. Any roll of Griffons is fine. Even worst roll Griffon�s eye beats any other helm from competition. Socket would be same like in your Shako � IAS jewel. This time try to get one with prefix � mpk, LR, mana are all good.
Total endgame would include enigma and Infinity + good merc,,, blah blah blah,,, you know the drill.
There is one other thing� try to ditch insight asap. It�s nice and comfortable, but it makes you spoiled with infinite mana supply. Try building your character around mpk and mana leech (and lots of mana) and ditch insight. Skill-vise I see you don�t want dodges, but you should take decoy and slow missiles for crowd control. SM makes everything in CS stupidly slow. You want at least one curse on top of your enemies � either decrep, LR or SM. Decoy will help with taking heat of merc and it�s worth investing one point in it.|||first of al thx for your replies =)
I totally understand what you mean by insight makes you spoiled

Now, for the real treat, i managed to acquire a coh by trading 10 tokens which was, lol, good for me =) and the rest of my equip got upgraded as well.
Only thing missing now is infinity for my merc and THX for reminding me that you can actually shop for lower resist wands. Im gonna use one on switch and when i get infinity ill just trade for cta.
On a sidenote:
Dont you guys notice that when you start getting the "high end stuff" for a cookie cutter build things just start to get waaaaaaay too boring?
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