Monday, April 16, 2012


On another site i found a build for a PVP Plaguezon. I RARELY PVP. Does anyone have a good PVM Plaguezon build? Or at least one that would suffice in a party?

Thanks Guys|||20 in plague javelin

20 in poison javelin

rest where ever you want. what kind of back up skill appeals to you?

wear nearly the same gear as a (light) javazon and you're good.|||U need valk and decoy. Poison dmg is high but slow.

at lvl 80:

20 pluege javelin

20 poison javelin

20 decoy

20 valk

atleast 1 piont in all passives.

after lvl 80 just increase whatever passives you want.

merc and valk + your weapon dmg will deal with immunes. first cast decoy. let decoy,valk and merc tank for you, then start spamming pioson.

You could go 1 point in charged strike or impale and use a high dmg pike of some sort if you want extra firepower for imunes and bosses. why charged strike? it never misses. no need for AR. this is only if you have no need for som extra points after lvl 80.

otherwise use this.

20 lightning fury

20 pluege jav

20 pioson jav

11 decoy

9 valk

1 all passive

rest could go in passives or "valk + decoy". decoy should be little higher for maxed out valk hp.

valk will have around 5000 hp with this setup. around 14000 maxed out.

use fury for the masses. use poison for single targets and immunes. Bosses: poison + spam fury.

Items is not very important for both build.

this is allright but Im no expert though.|||I've been thinking about respecing my pure lightning javazon, currently in act 4 hell to a plague/lightning kind of hybrid. Most of the guides I've seen are pretty similar to snurrfint's set up. Do yyou guys think a Bramble would be a waste of an armor for this kind of build?|||If you've got a decent amount of wealth to throw at it, this is the build I like:

Max: Plague Javelin; Poison Javelin; Charged Strike; Lightning Fury.

This is a powerful and aggressive build: avoid Valkyrie.

The dodge/evade/avoid skills required to get Valk aren't worth it in any way, they will slow you down.

This build is pretty good at running the Chaos Sanctuary. LF/CS anything that's not LI, Plague everything that's not immune to poison.

This build does not require high runes to work. "Infinity" is great, but unnecessary here.

You figure out the rest of the kit.

Why not Valkyrie in place of CS? Without CS, you're forced to either:

1. Wait for Valk + Merc to mow down non-LI monsters.

2. Throw way too many javelins at single targets, which isn't LF's strong suit.

3. Flail around during boss fights instead of ganking them down like a good little 'Zon.

If you want a tank, hire a mercenary.

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