Thursday, April 12, 2012

PvP Plague Zon?

[:1]Note: Quite the long post, I warn you, and yes I have read the guides

Welp, seeing as zons are one of the two classes I have almost zero knowledge about (The other being sins) I've come to ask for help, opinions, and criticism.

Now as I see it I only need to max 2 skills (Poison and Plague jav) with that said I'm almost completely lost when it comes to other skills.

I could perhaps max Lightning Fury/Charged Strike and use that as a back up, and dump the rest of my skills into dodge,evade,avoid, crit strike, etc. Although this is not the route I'm hoping to take, as I'm hoping to use a CTA Mat Bow on switch and just use that to shoot down opponents with low life. Another factor for me is that if I go with lightning Fury/Charged Strike I'll have to focus a tad bit more on IAS then if I would go with the bow route, which in the end results in lower resistances,life,dr.

Skill setups I'm thinking of:

Maxed Poison/Plague Jav

Enough points into dodge,evade,avoid for level 15-16 after gear. (2-3ish hard points)

Max Guided Arrow

Max Critical strike

Maxed Poison/Plague Jav

Enough points into dodge,evade,avoid for level 15-16 after gear. (2-3ish hard points)

Maxed Lightning Fury

Maxed Charged Strike

(This skill set would disregard CTA Mat bow and use CTA/Lidess or Spirit)

Again I'll mention I'm leaning towards the bow side of things, due to the fact that GA has a much further range then Lfury or Charged Strike.

As far as gear goes I'm looking at something like this:

Build 1 :

2 zon,frw,life,res circlet (With a 7 fhr/modded jewel)

Mara's/Crafted 2 zon, frw,life,res



Trang gloves

Dungo's/Titans/Arach/Crendum/Mav's belt

Moser's? Whitsan's? Sanctuary Tower Shield? (Stormshield is out of the question)

Bk/Raven Frost

Aldur's/Natayla's Boots

Swap: Cta Mat Bow

Inventory : 9x life skillers, 10x frw/res small charms.

Pros: High Damage, High Life, High Resistance, High FRW

Con: Lack of teleport (Although I'm use to using run/walk to my advantage)

The build hits 52 FHR and a possible 160 FRW. (I could drop down to about 115 FRW and get 86 FHR)

The other build in mind would basically replace bramble with enigma, then I could work in stormshield, but then I would lack a good bit of FHR. There would also be sacrifices to damage,res,FRW for FCR to be able to have a viable teleport option.

The damage on the enigma build would obviously be lower as well as resistance. 86 FHR would be easier however as I won't have to rely on FRW charms as much.

I know I'm missing a bunch of my ideas/thoughts in here, but this is the basic concept I'm left with. Let me know what you find viable and what's not.|||You're going to need a bunch of different gear setups;

Armor: CoH, Enigma, Fort, 20/20 100 life DS, I never bothered with Bramble but I guess if you want to use it you could

Helm: 2 zon, 30frw, 20 fcr, 2os circlet with other mods

Javs: 6/40s

Gloves: Trangs, great 2jav 20ias rares

Belt: Dungos, Arach

Rings: BK, Raven, SoJ (sometimes you'll need the extra mana from the SoJ)

Ammy: Great rare or crafted

Boots: Gores, Aldur's, 30 frw 10fhr tri res rares

Shield: Stormshield, Spirit, 20/20 JMOD

Use a Faith bow unless you want to get murdered any time you think about firing off a GA, and you'll want Valk, Decoy and Multishot (MS is mainly used to clear summons, you can use it to herd ppl too)|||Poison/bow is a very strong build in pvp. I would recommend it over poison/lightning any day for the reasons that you mentioned.

You seem to be aiming for a very strong poison side. Poison is effective, but with how lopsided you are, you'll routinely end up with little to do but run and wait as your CTA matriarchal bow won't do much in the way of damage, and will attack quite slowly for HLD (10fpa). You might want to consider using a diamond bow, shadow bow, or great bow faith on switch and skip the extra life/mana for more damage.

Unfortunately, I can't be of too much more help than that. My psn/bow experience is all on the receiving end or @ level 30. I've thought about making a hld psn/bow though, yes I have.|||Poison/Fury/(cs)/bow is my pick. Max poison skills, lightning fury, charged strike. Put a few points in the passives (I have 1 pt them, +skills make it high enough). Rest of the points go into charged strike synergies.

Enigma is a must imo. You need the mobility or it will be very hard to survive. I use 68 FCR.

The choice of lighting java skills instead of bow is simply because you want to have your shield up whenever somebody is attackning you. Having a bow on switch is however crucial as a mean of putting pressure on your opponent. They can't be passive because of the arrows, and when they go offensive it's hard to damage you without getting poisoned and hit by lots of furys.

One point in GA is enough. You won't have much higher dmg with it maxed anyways and it isn't the big killer (even though it can chip of a fair deal of health before the opponent reaches you sometimes ). Go with either Faith Matriarchal and a cta in inventory (not a big hassle), or cta bow.

Also, having knockback is really helpful.|||Hey guys thanks for the replies.

@King Shango

What kind of damage would I be looking at without bramble? Also I can't see fort being worked into the build unless I wanted to bring my bow damage up.


I had the same sort of thought that you had, I'll have almost nothing to do but run after I hit someone with plague, therefor I think I've narrowed the build down a bit.


What you suggested was pretty much my idea after I posted this, have heavy poison/lightning (So I can have a form of attack with my shield besides plague) and 1 point GA.

Although how effective is centering the build around enigma? I'll have one in stash regardless if I build for it or not, but I'm curious as to if hitting 68 FCR is worth it (Taking into consideration the loss of Res,FHR etc, compared to hitting a lower BP). I myself am very use to playing without teleport (about 6 years playing shifter druids).|||This build sounds pretty interesting, I'm currently making a Psn Jav/Fend Zon for PVM right now and I'm having trouble finishing up the last parts of it as well but that is beside the point. I know this may seem strange but have you thought about trying to use a harmony bow on switch? Since after throwing your psn jav all you really have to do is run around that would make it extremely easy to speed around with the vigor it provides. That way you dont have to sacrifice your bramble which in my opinion is essential too a good psn jav build, and still have maximum run capability. Then that would let you fill up with FHR charms instead of FRW so you'll have the best of both worlds, just an idea.|||Quote:

This build sounds pretty interesting, I'm currently making a Psn Jav/Fend Zon for PVM right now and I'm having trouble finishing up the last parts of it as well but that is beside the point. I know this may seem strange but have you thought about trying to use a harmony bow on switch? Since after throwing your psn jav all you really have to do is run around that would make it extremely easy to speed around with the vigor it provides. That way you dont have to sacrifice your bramble which in my opinion is essential too a good psn jav build, and still have maximum run capability. Then that would let you fill up with FHR charms instead of FRW so you'll have the best of both worlds, just an idea.

I have thought of this actually, I can see where it may come in handy, but again I'm unsure if the loss of life is worth the increase in FRW seeing as I can get about 150+ already (Which is more then enough to synch)|||Quote:

What you suggested was pretty much my idea after I posted this, have heavy poison/lightning (So I can have a form of attack with my shield besides plague) and 1 point GA.

Although how effective is centering the build around enigma? I'll have one in stash regardless if I build for it or not, but I'm curious as to if hitting 68 FCR is worth it (Taking into consideration the loss of Res,FHR etc, compared to hitting a lower BP). I myself am very use to playing without teleport (about 6 years playing shifter druids).

I wouldn't use any other armor tbh. You can get res from plenty of sources. The mobility increases survival alot versus practically every char. Even if you don't tele very much you still gain tons of strength (-->life), 2 skills and 45 frw. Unbeatable in my eyes. Teleport also gets you out of many tough spots, and also allows you to be more offensive (it's always fun to surprise someone with a namelock poison cloud or charged strike). |||cant really add much to this thread except that i think the idea of swapping around gear is better than going whole hog for enigma. i had a friend that had a pvp plaguer and he had a ton of gear switches. he seemed to do well.


This build sounds pretty interesting, I'm currently making a Psn Jav/Fend Zon for PVM right now and I'm having trouble finishing up the last parts of it as well but that is beside the point.

you should start a thread for that. i have one similar (mine's plague/lightning strike/fend/jab) to yours in act 5 hell. i could offer some ideas, but i dont wanna run this thread off the road.|||I'm building pvp bow/poison (from charms and seems to take forever to fill em up) myself and was wondering why care about FHR? If dodges cannot be speed up with it, is it for those unfortunate occasions you don't dodge?

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