Ive just started with hc for the first time ever and made a strafer for running pits and ive reached level 70 and just managed to push myself solo into hell and gotten myself down to the pits.
So far this has been the best season for me, 2nd run in pits I found a Lo rune and ive also gotten my hands on a pala combatskiller with 7% frw and a plain ele skiller so this should net me some gear for my strafer but I dont know what to look for really.
My sc ama has pretty much the best gear available but this kind of gear wont come along anytime soon so in which order do i upgrade? My current gear is basically all crap. I got lucky in a game and some guy dropped a lycanders aim and a demonlimb which was sweet but thats about the gear worth mentioning.
What do i look for? A new bow is my first thought and i was thinking about witchwild string for the curse because i think that would up my speed more then say windforce since i wont get any decent speed or amp damage. I could go for atmas but i would like to get my hands on maras for resistances so please guide me in the right direction

WF + Atma's is your ultimate endgame. Even in HC, you're not going to have enough resists/defense to make a difference, and your best defense is ultimately going to be a combination of KB and having huge physical damage to keep monsters in hit recovery/kill them before they can kill you. The only real danger in Pits is a nasty pack of archers, and Decoy and carefulness will help you avoid getting alpha-struck.
Mara's, especially for a Pit strafer, is an incredible waste. The +2 skills benefits a strafer very little, since you'll have SPs left over soon enough, and the resists dont help much in the Pit, where there are only two sources of elemental damage: Shaman, who occasionally throw a very weak Fireball, and LE/CE bosses.
Krembanan had it dead on with the first reply. Also throw in a Ravenfrost, naturally, if you dont have one yet, since CBF is crucial.|||Hm yea getting a self-made fort never even crossed my mind

I'd advise against making in a superior armor - I did that last ladder, and even though the def is a little better, its so expensive to keep it repaired, unless you're willing to farm Ral runes constantly to repair it in the cube...|||No I wont do that again, my sc fort is in a sup archon plate and its not cheap to keep it running

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