Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Newb to LF Zons.. Gear Question...

I just traded for a Stormsheild for my zon and was wondering what I should socket it with. Right now the only other gear I have for her that adds +str is some rare java gloves with +13 str and Tgods, which means I will will be needing 123 or so hard points into str if I do not add a Hel rune to it.

Is the Hel worth it or should I maybe just add a PDiamond to add a bit more resists? Thx in advance!|||if this is for pvm, ditch the stormshield for a spirit and place the hard points into strength. also get rid of tgods and switch to razortail.|||it all depends on what you want out of your char. all are good options. if you wanted more LF damg ive seen people but a light facet into ss. But as Crawlingdeadman stated you should be switching shield/equipment depending on what your doing (pvm or pvp) for me when i pvm i use phoenix for redemption. 4 light facet mon or ss for pvp (havent consider socketing ss as of yet dont really use it)|||Quote:

if this is for pvm, ditch the stormshield for a spirit and place the hard points into strength. also get rid of tgods and switch to razortail.

Ok got a Spirit now. As for the razortail, is the pierce really that much more beneficial then the +3 to LF and +20 str? FWIW I plan on a heavy investment in the pierce skill once LF, CS and Valk are maxed :|||Yes, 100% pierce is absolutely worth it. And why wouldnt you want the extra 19 sps to invest in lightning strike or your other synergies?|||Quote:

Yes, 100% pierce is absolutely worth it. And why wouldnt you want the extra 19 sps to invest in lightning strike or your other synergies?

Just figured they would be better spent rounding out any possible deficiencies, since LF only gets 1% for each point in synergies.

Meh, doesnt matter to a huge degree since the newsticker in D2 says that ladder will reset in 2 weeks =/|||The solution to strength problems is obvious and its right in front of you: the best armor in the game, enigma|||I dont know where ur getting your enigma from...

Spend the points you save in vit.

Also, razortail is 33% peircing. So you have to get skill up to atleast 77%... and yes, its worth it.

I dont like spending alot of points in dex for max block, i usually just go for as much life as i can with resists on shield... like a mosers with 2 P diamonds. should be findable this early.|||67%, not 77%.

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