The thing you have to look at is skill investment, so that you can make both damage sources effective. With amazons, the cheapest investment for damage is all physical: so IMO, jab, strafe, or multishot HAS to be one of your maxed skills. Reason being, it doesn't require a synergy to be effective. This isn't true of any of the amazon's other attacks (freezing arrow, lightning fury, etc.).
If you go the bow route (IMO the easiest way to go), you simply max strafe or multishot, and either the cold damage or fire damage arrow (i think freezing and immolation). you then max cold or fire synergies and you're pretty much done. the nice thing about bowazons is you get a razortail belt, and you save yourself skill points because you don't have to invest in the pierce skill.
that said, doctor clock's idea is a good one as well. if you want to go javelin, you can do close to 600 pts of damage per second by maxing both poison skills in the javelin tree. I'm guessing what he's getting at is maxing both poison and two of the four lightning skills. you wont cut through cows as fast as a pure lightning jav zon, but you won't be so one dimensional.
The only problem with poison is it takes awhile to work, so if you go this route, i would highly suggest a holy freeze merc. it will greatly slow down baddies, giving your poison plenty of time to work. it will also reduce the investment you need in valkyrie because she wont take as much damage as fast, and can survive longer without as much hit points.
really either bow or jav are doable, so its more a preference thing than anything else. myself, i find javazons a little bit more fun, but it think bowazons are easier both in how they are played and gearing them up.
i will say i think doc is a sharper on builds and whatnot than i am, so if he shoots my comments down, go with what he says

There's a bug, I don't know if it's really a bug, but when you use missile weapon and fires an arrow, when switching to something else that grants % change to cast X when striking (meaning when HIT TARGET) it works fine with it. So, using the Lacerator, you can casts AMPLIFY DMG for lowering monster's physical dmg reduce. It works better with Guided Arrow, because it always hits or with Strafe (it works for every strafe arrow). It doesn't work with Multishot, unless not with all the arrows, only the middle one. So you can use GA to cast amplify, and then use Multishot to clear the rest. And don't forget to have "Knockback" - it's the most important thing for a bowazon. If you don't have WF (Windforce Hydra Bow) you can get some crafted/rare gloves with nice mods (2 bow/passive 20ias KNOCKBACK str/dex/res/mana leach) or put "Nef" rune into any other not "runeword" bow.|||Here are some hardcore untwinked magezon videos that show you techniques you need to be successful. A fire/ice build.
Hardcore Untwinked Magezon
Zons have a lot of survival tricks up their sleeves just like assasins do. Course if you are not going hardcore you can go for more offense and a little less defense.
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