Monday, April 16, 2012

Seeking help for Bowazon (Again...)

Okay so I was here a while back because I was trying to make a bowazon. Got all the way to Hell and then she randomly started failing miserably so I'm gonna try again.

I'm making a NL Multi/Strafe Bowazon that's PvM ONLY. Not doing any PvP at all. Obviously she's going to be primarily Multi which is why I listed it first but I've read that doing both Multi and Strafe is a good idea.

So with that in mind, I was wondering if I could get suggestions on a specific layout of where I should put my skill points, and I also wanted to figure out how much strength I'm going to need for gear. I know that putting anything into Energy is useless, not too sure about Vitality though, obviously I'll need some but I know it'll mostly be Dex (Clearly). This is only my second time trying a zon though, so I'm still not real clear on how to get things exactly right.

Anyways, if you need more info I'll hopefully be able to give an answer. Any and all help is appreciated! =P|||The guides should be a good starting point when it comes to skill distribution. Read a few and see which sound adequate for your situation. For example you may wish to head towards FA/strafe rather then just pure physical if you haven't found a good bow yet.

Nevertheless, you will have to tell us your budget before we can give you specific advice.|||Quote:

The guides should be a good starting point when it comes to skill distribution. Read a few and see which sound adequate for your situation. For example you may wish to head towards FA/strafe rather then just pure physical if you haven't found a good bow yet.

Nevertheless, you will have to tell us your budget before we can give you specific advice.

ok, what if money is no problem, the godliest gear you can have.

Also, is it recommended to use fa/strafe/multi or strafe/multi/ga.

To sum it up what is the best PVM Bowzon build? Including gear/stat allocation?|||If you've got an infinite budget you can look into the showoff thread:

There's no definite best way to build a bowzon, you'll have to experiment until you find what you enjoy the most. And what you enjoy will determine what is "best for you".|||Well im building a strafe/multi pvm zon. My gear is as follows: Faith MB, CoH (fort in stash), giant skull 40ed/15res/30ias, rare zon amulet with 2+ skills, 19 dex, life and some res and str(atmas in stash), 1 dual ll ring, 1 ravenrost, razor tail, Dracs( LoH in stash), gore riders, torch and anni, and i have 6bo switch

20 strafe/ enough for max multi after skills/ D/A/E i like to have between 50-60%, max Valk and i maxed Penetrate, still have 16 skills not sure what to do with|||Quote:

If you've got an infinite budget you can look into the showoff thread:

There's no definite best way to build a bowzon, you'll have to experiment until you find what you enjoy the most. And what you enjoy will determine what is "best for you".

With all due respect, i believe that the devoted testing gone into my bowazon ultimate setups has resulted in the finest builds:|||with all due respect, i dont believe half the stuff you post. your methods are flawed and your math is shoddy i've noticed it on multiple occasions, but i'm too lazy to correct them much as you must be too lazy to make sure they're correct. cheers |||I'm a firm believer of having a bowazon that doens't use faith to be a successful pvm'er.

Here's the two items I like to use to spice up a bowazon build.

Witchwild String Bow

Atma's Scarab Amulet

My goals:

-Kill Everything in PvM that I may come across NO MATTER WHAT THEIR IMMUNITIES/MODS MAYBE.

-Enough speed potential to hit the fastest (or atleast second fastest bp).

-Not spending 10-40 dupe/bot runes to enjoy the game

Your bowazon play style may vary. Cheers!

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