Thursday, April 12, 2012

Clarify 3 frame vs. 2 frame Strafe

[:1]I can't seem to find the answer to this.

Is getting a 2 frame strafe HARMFUL to damage?

Meaning: Between 9/3, 9/2, 8/2, which one is "best"?

I realize that the reduced focus on speed means gear can be used to maximize damage instead, but (hypothetically) if my gear puts me at 9/2 or 8/2, is that worse than if I wore the same gear but it magically didn't have the IAS?|||There is no such thing as 2 frame Strafe |||=P

Fair enough! So is what appears to be a "2 frame strafe" literally the same as a "3 frame strafe"?

I, for some reason, thought that a 2 frame strafe would actually only hit once every four frames, rather than every 3.|||Ye, I believe there was some discussion about next-delay making a 2-frame Strafe detrimental (or something along those lines), but that was before they knew...


There's no 2-frame Strafe. It displays so, but the server side is doing something else. You don't really need to understand it, unless you want to, but the bottom line is this: no 2-frame strafe.|||Great! Thanks!

From that, I'm taking that the only IAS I need to worry about is reaching 9/8/7 breakpoints--anything in between is completely useless. =)

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