starting up a bowazon for the first time now and ive read some guides but, is there some cookiecutter bowazon build similar to the fishymancer for example that can solo hell "easily" ?
thinking maybe edge/harmony bow in a GMB until windforce (or faith) but what about skills and rest of gear and play strategy?
cheers|||if you like the fishymancer, try the fishyzon. same great untwinked fishy flavor, now with fewer calories.|||You know what. I'm sorry I tried to offer something constructive to the thread. Good luck finding a 'cookie cutter bowazon.'|||dracs, what a waste. and no razor tail either.
edit: you know what, thank you. with help like yours, he'd be so misled as to what worked anyway.|||See fishyzon, everything else requires a heavy investment in runewords for effectiveness.|||Quote:
See fishyzon, everything else requires a heavy investment in runewords for effectiveness.
Unfortunately for us.|||Quote:
See fishyzon, everything else requires a heavy investment in runewords for effectiveness.
despite my advocacy of fishyzon, i disagree with your statement. fishy is certainly the easiest untwinked what with requiring only that you have a bow to be effective. you also have to invest in jav skills, which may not be what some people would want. there are enough findable bows and at least one notable end-game runeword bow, harmony, that make a pure bowazon possible.|||Harmony end-game? Really?
Windforce is "findable" bow that could be your last.|||yes, it's end game. so too are wws, cliffkiller , riphook, goldstrike arch, lycander's (all preferably upped), and eaglehorn, add to that the once loved buriza and you have many find-able bows. silence is the only runeword other than harmony that i consider somewhat findable without too much work, but then again, you'd have to be lucky to find vex or get two guls not to mention the ist. faith and its ilk are of course the top end.
if you dont consider them endgame, maybe your standards are too high. i'm not talking hot knife through butter mowing down of enemies, but endgame? yes.|||I think it's hard to build a pure bowazon cookie cutter. There's a lot of skills that you can adjust freely and none of the builds necessarily follow the 'max two power skills and their synergies' that's found in most guides.
And I think most people are smart enough to play without a guide. With the new respecs inline, it's easy to adjust your build enough to find out what skills you like and find worthy of your own time.
Of course, I could be totally wrong. It's happened before.
Harmony end-game? Really?
Windforce is "findable" bow that could be your last.
I find that on the path to pure damage you get lead down a series of items choices that tend to converge on one set of 'best itamz' that is both narrow and terribly boring.
If that's the scope of your fun, then truly, Windforce is the only end-game bow.
If not, most of the exceptional bows, when upgraded, are totally hell viable. "Harmony" has cruel damage and tri-elemental damage, and I love Vigor. I never seem to have the runes for "Silence" but it looks good.
And if you manage a cruel bow of some sort, it's very likely to be Hell-worthy. That is, if YOU are a hell worthy player.

My Buriza-Do Kyanon Guardian GiantConch has some truly ugly item choices, but she's totally effective. Drool over the cannon!
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