i have a crafted KB gloves but i think it doesnot work on Cows with LightningFury. they either die or in hit recovery, alive ones are not knocked back. ChargedStrike procs it normally, i can put them in knockback-lock (whatever it is called

do i miss something? do some skills doesnot proc knockback? is there a list providing this info?
EDIT: a question, why isnot there any poison java build? arenot they hell viable? i was thinking of switching my lite javazon to some kindof poison-lite hybrid javazon. please lmk if it is cows & chaossanctuary viable.|||It seems KB is applied alike by any kind of physical attack, so I'm not sure why you're seeing a difference between LF/CS. You don't need KB though.
Poison is definitely viable, especially with a high-end setup, but limited by its cast delay of 4 seconds and the damage-over-time it delivers. Unlike Freezing Arrow, you can't handle Gloams with it (since they're both light and poison immune) and it doesn't benefit from Infinity.|||Personally I find KB a nuisance for a Javazon, when you start CS-ing you want the monster to stay close and get hit, rather than have to run after it.
Imo save the KB for bowazons.|||hmm ok, maybe i should give up KB gloves.
about poison java, yesterday night in cows level, some champions/uniques spawned with PI/LI unbreakable. thats why i thought of using a poison hybrid lite java. as i already have many +java skills it could be useful against them if i power up my poison skills.
thanks, tonight i will test it.|||i think for what you want you should craft some blood gloves. another way to deal with LI/PI is to use demon limb to enchant or to have demon's arch/tiamat's rebuke on switch. they work pretty well alone or in combination.
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