Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fishyzon res problems

[:1]Hi all,

I searched for fishyzon gear suggestions on the forums and also read the original guide. The problem I am having is that I can't seem to get max res when I switch to my bow.

I play hc and am not exactly rich, so stuff like CoH, etc. are out of the question for me. I am using fishyzon for pit running atm and will move to Baal runs when I get some better gear.

To fix my res problems, I am stuck with Kira's, which is a great defensive helm, but costs me no shako which would give me so needed skills and mf.

My current gear:

Head: Kira's

Amulet: a rare one with 32 mf.

Chest: Skullder's

Weapon: Titans///Mosers

On Switch: WWS - I'd like to change it but +40 res is needed to keep close to max res when I switch to bow.

Gloves: Chanceguards

Belt: Razortail

Boots: War Travellers

Rings: A rare ring with 9 res to all, except 29 to poison //// Manald

Charms: I got a gheed for mf, rest is small charms with various res on them.

I have max res atm when I am on Javellin. When I switch to bow, I have 66/48/52/72. So, If I take Kira's out and make a melody instead of WWS, my res will be way below 0. -.-

I'd really appreciate some gear advices on how to improve my gear without expensive runewords/anni/torch, while still keeping decent mf for pit/pindle/shenks, etc. running.|||you have to make concessions. my current HC mfers (heh, Hardcore Motherf....) make their concessions to res on their gloves, boots and belt and let all of the mf come from helm (shako), body armor (skulders), and charms (usually not much more than gheeds). you have to give up something if you want max res. give up chancy/war travs they get you at most 90 magic find. you get better results from using shako which has +skills that you need, life and mana that you need and skullders that also has a +skill. you cant load up on MF as much as you have and not worry about something.

focus on res for ammy too, you dont really gain all that much mf in comparison to what you lose out (+skills, life, mana, res) on a good rare ammulet. speaking of rares, those are where it's at. instead of using war travs, use a pair of boots that have decent res and only 25-30 mf. so what if you lose out a bit on mf, you gain so much more. dont look only at rares though, there are some really nice set bonuses out there including mf. i know you cant use it and keep the razortail, but for a bit there i was using ik boots, belt, and gloves for their res, stats and the bit of mf that the boots have.

ps. build around the bow side; have all your res maxed out on your bow side then you can dedicate your shield to more mf for instance, rhyme. great shield rhyme or instead you could dump on some +skills that dont have res like lidless (great jav shield). you should also look at changing your bow. i know you dont like losing the res on WWS, but it's really substandard for this build. i love harmony, but then you're losing out on ias with that so maybe a simple change to shaeled bow of some kind like shael x3 +psaphs.

pps. you're mostly a ranger right, why worry about res at all? i run my mf Gunslinger with negative res and dont worry about dying too much (she's SC tho). just stay back and play cautiously then you dont need to worry about damage much at all.


edit: just ran a chaos with my above mentioned mf gunslinger (SC) and i can confirm that at least with her, no biggie on negative res, though i have been at this a while...

gear (because i can!):

steelskull (you should go shako)

higlords (res/ias/+skill)

faith (i know, you're poor, just get the biggest hurty stick you can)


20ias/kb/good mods crafted gloves

good rare ring



war travs

tstroke/lidless on switch

not exactly what you're looking for, granted, but a well balanced zon none-the-less.|||Thank you for the great answer!

About max res, I guess it's my paranoia....I always try to get max res+max block for my characters in Hell, but you are right. I can do with only max light res for souls, and let the other resistances be.

Time for me to do some gambling for boots then |||I'm not incredibly experienced with hybrid Zons, but Tal Rasha Guardianship would seem to match your requirements pretty well. Sacrificing 1 skill and ~15mf for 40 to all resists would definitely improve your character's options. And your jewelry looks to be due for an upgrade as well.|||I have some ideas.

Socket your Skullder's with an Ort! Thundergod's is also an option, if you're having real Lightning problems. Credendum offers 15@, but I'd probably try to avoid switching out Razortail until you have some more +skills (to keep Pierce up).

If you're reluctant to switch out WWS for the res-less Melody, I would suggest trying Wizendraw (Shael it). It offers a good chunk of Cold res and I've found it to be at least as effective as the recommended Melody bow.

If you switch your Travs to, say, Aldur's, you'll get 40-50 Fire Res.

That should be a healthy boost to your three important resistances (my Fishyzon's Poison res is -9).

I really do recommend Shako for this build. It will give you a very important boost to Mana and Life as well as killing speed (+skills) and the MF is great. Mine is PTopazed, and along with Skullder's and a few charms, her total MF is decent and her res is still fine, barring poison.

Edit: if you play Single Player I could probably send some decent gloves your way.|||I am playing pure Javazon on new ladder and I am gearing up to be a decent killer in chaos and worldstone keeps. The first idea that sprung into my mind was super simple - get rich, get 40 res from anni and torch, get 25 res from Rhyme or just use Sanctuary, get Eni, get Infy for my merc and bring havoc to chaos (yes, with that gear you can do that) and humiliate black souls in WKS. Then I realised that the way I play - 100% legit, I will get to that state in a month or so, mainly because Infinity costs so much. But with that dream gear I can reach 250-300 mf and keep demolishing without thinking about healing potions.

Now back in reality I still mf chaos and worldstone, and it's not easy but I can live with it. My Gear right now is cheap:

Titans with Rhyme shield\\Lower resist wand (neccessary until you get infy)

Lionheart in Mageplate

Valk Wing

Rare 2 to java 10 ias gloves with dext and res (gonna get 2\20 rares soon)

Rare 18 mf boots with two resists


Cat's Eye (might switch to highlords)

Raven + rare mana leech ring

Gheed's 25 (160\15 will sell it later for a fortune)

some mf charms

Total mf - 80%. I can't say I get uber drops, but I think bigger mf has crazy diminishing returns, you will get more set items (most of them will be a pain the back to sell) and uniques nobody really needs. The items you are looking for are high runes (not affected by mf), cool socketables (more mf less of these things), crazy rares (which are so rare you better scavenge all 35k worth items, get to level 93+ and gamble for good rares) and finally FEW uniques (soj, griffon, zaka, etc.) that drop, well, never.

My goal is to get CoH (25 more mf and resist wall), shako (topaz it or ist it) and that's... all, maybe war travs with 40+ mf and some mf charms and get to 200-250 mark and keep killing power. And I don't think you ever need more unless you are a stat geek.

And bow skills are a waste on Javazon, you sacrifice huge killing power in form of CS for mediocre bow switch. I strongly recommend gearing up your merc (i use lionheart + very good gaze and non eth CV with insight, might act2 merc). Right now my gear requires a lot of running and I find no shame in doing so. I clear chaos, because the only light immunes there can be jabbed/tanked/merced and diablo dies in 10 seconds after lower resist curse, in worldstone keep I run from souls (well, what can I do) and avoid scarabs, but these levels can roll easy cakes like mummies\greater hell spawns\spectres for examples which take no time to kill and still drop best items in the game. Baal minions are easy with some skill, fast cast lower resist on waves 2-5, spawn valk in them, spam fury like crazy and keep full rejs for your merc ready - no problem at all.

Sorry for the wall of text, but my idea is just keep killing power and mediocre (200 is plenty) magic find % and do chaos\wks\baal and gear up for Infy\Eni\Sanctuary combo which will make your fishing a walk in a park.|||Ty all for the suggestions!

@LordC Tal Rasha would be indeed wonderful. It's a bit rare though. Maybe I can get my hands on one

@Entwilighter: Very nice ideas! I think I already have Wizendraw and Aldur in my mules. I will definitely give your setup a try. Unfortunately I am on b-net. Ty for the offer though!

@Mad Lee: My future plan for this character is to get inifinity and go pure lightning as well. However, I guess I'll stick with fishyzon build till then |||Oh! One thing I forgot to add. I'd make sure your Wizendraw has at least -30% to enemy Cold Res. If it doesn't, I'm sure you could easily trade for one. They're not too hard to find. But that's the important stat on this bow.

@Mad Lee: No need to run from Souls with a Fishyzon, such as Atash is playing. The "mediocre" bow switch takes care of them just fine. My damage stats at the moment are (from memory - I'm not at home right now) ~2k Freezing Arrow, and on the Jav switch, ~1.3k LF and ~1.7k CS. Per bolt, that is. I'm really not sure on pure Lightning Javazons' usual numbers, but this build works fine for me. Spot on about the MF though. More than 250 isn't really necessary.|||Smoke, Treachery, Bone, Stormshield.... Heck, even spirit monarch helps. LoH is quite good, too. Try socketing pgms / runes to fill the gaps.

My fishyzon has a gear planned already. Mind you that this is in SP

35 wizendraw // Titans - spirit monarch or stormshield, probably spirit because I'm going to run cows instead of WSK.

Enigma Gothic Plate

Kira's 64

Razortail for belt

Aldur's for boots

LoH for gloves

Rings will be dual sojs and amulet will be either mara's or highlords. Everything except the jewelry section / enigma can be bought for pgms|||Wow, guys, you are doing it all wrong.

I almost finished my pvm Javazon and I run chaos and wks with few to no problems.

P topazed Harlequin's Crest (shako) - only pvm helm for java, hands down

Chains of Honour great hauberk (because I like the look of the armor) - skills, resists, mf, best one if you don't like telezons

Rhyme in Hyperion (Highest block rate) - resists, CBF, mf

Titans (need to get eth ones)

Rare gloves - +2 to jav skills, 20 ias, 28 cr, 3 mana leech

Boots - need to get War Travellers 40-45 mf, right now dual res boots with 18 mf

Highlords (cat's eye is a cheap alternative), Bul-Kathos (for life bonus and life leech bonus) and rare ring with Mana leech (right now 60 ar 8ll 6 ml half freeze duration =))

Thundergods - hands down, only acceptable belt, razortail seriously sucks *** when you got +12 skills from items and get decent pierce from 1 point in passives.

Lower resist wand and Rhyme (we don't want to get frozen while switching) on switch

Low Torch (10-11, bought for 4 pgems on these forums), Low Anni (because it's a

budget build), 3 skillers, gheed's some lifers and resist small charms, 3x4 free space

I got Stormshield with 15 ias jewel in stash I never use.

Points spent on bow tree - NONE

Points spent on Passives and Magicals - all 1 pointers except few more in Valk to get her to level 17 (not necessary if your merc is tough)

Might merc with CV insight (want to put Obedience so he can kill Li's faster), Very good Vampire Gaze and Duriel's Shell (aim for eth Levi in this slot)

Can't say my equipment is cheap, but I got all this by myself, I played from the beginning of the ladder. The most expensive part is Chains, but, with some luck you can get this armor, it's twice less expensive than Enigma.

I don't want to use Enigma because I think it's really useless on pvm Java unless you are planning to do pvp. You loose a lot of resists, gain 60 more magic find and teleport which isn't that necessary as you need to run all monsters in Chaos and WKS to get more drops. Besides, Amazons got terrible cast rate, you will need to get fcr from some items means loose resists\damage.

The high-end endgame piece of equipment will be Infinity, but it's going to take some time. Right now I am happy I didn't go for lame hybrid build.

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