Saturday, April 14, 2012


[:1]Is faith much better then buriza, so its worth getting. Or is another bow better? Sorry for being a noob.|||Faith is pretty much the cream of the crop for bows.|||Crossbows cannot reach as high rates of fire as bows, and bows are almost always preferred because of this. Buriza has tremendously good mods, imo the best out of all bows/xbows, but sadly the speed cap really cripples it.

The two high end competitors are windforce and faith, whereof faith is the clear winner in PvP. For PvM there's less of a consensus on the matter, lots of threads can be found if you do a search on "windforce faith" (without quotations).|||i still want my faith on a mercenary and a WF in my own hands... |||Quote:

i still want my faith on a mercenary and a WF in my own hands...

This. Then you get the best of both worlds!|||merc with faith in most cases loose his position and you will be often without fana,|||Quote:

merc with faith in most cases loose her position and you will be often without fana,


i would prefer a2 might merc + pride and my bowa using faith if we are that rich.

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