By the way, -res on your char makes no difference to immunes that aren't broken by Conviction or Lower res. It's only after their res is taken below 100 that other -res takes effect.|||thanks alot mate

also would you mind making any reccomendations on my gear? im going to be running purely cows and the odd chaos run once i have my infinity,
currently using
stormshield um'd
carrion wind
raven frost
(no gloves yet unsure what to use)
and i have a amazon torch,
i think i know where i could improve but please feel free to offer suggestions i would really appreciate it

spirit for shield
something other than carrion wind for the other ring (soj or a nice rare)
2jav/20ias rare gloves or 3jav/20ias
griff for head?
what's this for? you dont have much mf if it's for that so i suspect you're socket running.|||Piercing greatly increases your damage, since a jav that passes through multiple monsters releases bolts from every monster it hits. Level 6 pierce plus that from Razortail will give you 100%.
Are you using Insight on your merc now? A bit of mana leech does wonders. Gloves should be +2 jav/20ias/leech and you can swap the Carrion for a dual leech ring with stats/res. You don't need SS for pvm really, just go with Spirit (and no dex).|||Quote:
just started doing my first hell cows runs and wanting to speed it up with an infinity, just wondering will conviction break the cowkings immunity and therefore make me have to be a bit more careful when running? ive got a javazon with no -enemy resists gear on if that bit of info helps...
I vote against a merc in cowlevel. It messes up the herding and if your merc has an eth elite Infinity, he will kill the king fast if you aint paying attention.|||thanks for the input guys much appreciated

in that case, is anyone selling razortail, dual leech ring, spirit monarch or griffons?
this character is just something new and different, never made a javazon before so kinda threw one together with all i have and hoped for the best, i basically just want to be able to run cows, chaos and countess and summoner fairly fast and efficiently with a good balance of mf too|||Razortail + Silkweaves + as much -elr as you can fit.
You want mana per kill over mana leach.
Cows have 50 LR, so stacking as much -elr as you can get is the best thing possible.
I always prefered running dual Titans / Spirits on switch with a max vita build so I would never have to repair Titans from run to run. IAS'd Lidless Wall is also a possibility if you don't want to use Spirit. Dream armor would be a Jeweler's elite light armor of the Whale with 4 facets, or 3 facets and one IAS/MPK jewel to get to a 10-frame toss.
I have not personally tested if using T-Strokes could be faster, but I would not be surprised if they were without a Griffons.|||^Probably, but don't forget about the 30 FRW on Titan's.
I would not toss Infi just for fear of killing the Cow king. Most of the time avoiding him isn't too hard, and you can always hotkey TP for when he catches you unawares. Just re-enter through the red portal and try to avoid him.|||If cow king on hell is completely immune to light then I say java zon would be the way to go for hell cow runs.
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