In short, CS for single target, boss and bigger monsters, LF for mobs (Jab for light immunes).|||One lighting immune is souls. They also have 90% physical immune. I recomand using frozen arrow as LI solution, instead of jab.|||Not in Normal they dont, and only 70% in NM, and we're talking about a new reset zon. By the time he's in Hell, this question will be moot for the OP.
Jab is a workable solution for LIs in Norm/NM, and by Hell, you should have the gear for you and your merc to take out Souls with Jab as well without getting killed. Eventually you'll want an Infy merc (pure jav), or you'll have a second skill (Strafe or FA) that can handle Souls with more efficiency than Jab anyway.
CS>PS, of course. Even against small targets, you'll get multiple bolts to hit.
edit to below: Big difference between 30% physical effectiveness and 10%. Even without Infy, too, a merc with Treachery, Tal's helm, and a good elite Insight + you with Titan's and Tgods for the sorb can take them out with little risk of death. It may take a few extra seconds of jabbing from you both, but you cant expect to OHKO everything in the game without super-elite gear

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