I heard that vipers in nilathak's temple is bugged, and that they do damage per frame, Look like the vipers are spitting plague javalin. so is amazon's plague javalin also bugged? Do I need to have a high damage javalin to take advantage of that?|||i don't know where you got that information though it's not correct (or highly confusing).
First, damage per frame is something all (well, maybe rabies not, though rabies is a strange thing) poisons do. It's not special to the bugged vipers.
So yes, in that regard they are similar.
However, this isn't the bug on the vipers. The bug is the nature of the damage. It should be doing poison damage (and thus easily resisted with poison resistance or anti dotes). The bug is that they aren't doing poison damage though physical damage. Making it much harder to resistance and hence quite lethal.
This is a bug into the vipers. So no, plague (or poison) javelin don't do physical damage per frame, they will however do poison damage per frame.
However, even in this regard, the effect is very different. Characters have much lower life then monsters so even with high plague javelin, the effect won't be so effective as the vipers are.
If you are still interested in the build, check out the stickies.|||Nope, only the viper attack is bugged. Afaik all poison damage is applied per frame. The viper attack creates an invisible 'cloud' that applies physical damage on a per frame basis and lingers after the poison one has vanished. Plague javelin doesn't do the same thing but it can be a strong attack with enough +skills.
*D'oh.|||Tomb Viper javelins apply the Tomb Viper's A1 attack damage, which is both physical and poison, on collision (and since the javelins are destroyed on collision, this damage is only applied once); these javelins release up to 14 clouds in their wake which also apply the javelin's damage, so they also apply physical and poison damage on collision. Although the clouds aren't destroyed on collision like the javelins, they have Last Collide enabled which means they can't collide with their last target.
Tomb Vipers spawn in groups of 2-3, so a single salvo of javelins can generate up to 28-42 clouds, and thus moving through them can result in up to 28-42 collisions, each applying physical and poison damage. If you're alone, then the obvious solution is not to move through them... but while the clouds are visible for 60 frames or 2.4 seconds, they linger invisibly for another 120 frames or 4.8 seconds.
However, Last Collide only prevents a missile from colliding with its last target, not every target with which it's ever collided: when a Sorceress teleports into TV clouds with a hireling, each cloud colliding with both of them would collide with one then the other, making the latter the cloud's last target and allowing it to collide with the former again. Thus each cloud would collide with and apply damage to them in alternate frames, or 12.5 times per second each on average.
The same mechanics actually apply to Plague Javelin clouds, but since these only apply the skill's poison damage and not any weapon damage there's no issue: a single frame of poison damage is applied with each collision, and if that is equal to or greater than any previous poison then it will continue to be applied for its length (otherwise, the previous poison is applied for the remainder of its length).
As far as the code is concerned TV cloud damage may well be 'working as intended', but it's hard to see how the end result of that can have been unless Blizzard misunderstood or forgot how Last Collide works (missiles applying both physical and poison damage aren't unprecedented, since both Andariel's poison bolt and poison spray do so).|||Thanx for the detailed information. So even though TV cloud looks like plague javalin, they work very differently.
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