Thursday, April 12, 2012

Need Help Making Bowazon For Normal Play

[:1]Hello mangs. I've been looking at a lot of the builds in the sticky but they all seem to be for getting up to Hell difficulty. I just want an Amazon to play through Normal. I've tried playing before with an Amazon but I was hopelessly decimated in Act 2 So I started a new game as a Sorceress and was able to finish it even though I died many times. Now I want to go back to the Amazon.

I like the idea of being able to take out most enemies before they get close but the farther you get in the game, the faster everything is! Which skills should I build up that will enable Herrick to kill most enemies before they get close and how can I take out groups of enemies, like a Sorceress does with a Fireball? I'd like to use strictly Bow & Crossbow skills if possible. Also, is it possible to finish the game without a Mercenary? I was mostly able to do this with my Sorceress but I can't imagine how a Bowazon would survive without any help.|||Quote:

Hello mangs. I've been looking at a lot of the builds in the sticky but they all seem to be for getting up to Hell difficulty. I just want an Amazon to play through Normal. I've tried playing before with an Amazon but I was hopelessly decimated in Act 2 So I started a new game as a Sorceress and was able to finish it even though I died many times. Now I want to go back to the Amazon.

I like the idea of being able to take out most enemies before they get close but the farther you get in the game, the faster everything is! Which skills should I build up that will enable Herrick to kill most enemies before they get close and how can I take out groups of enemies, like a Sorceress does with a Fireball? I'd like to use strictly Bow & Crossbow skills if possible. Also, is it possible to finish the game without a Mercenary? I was mostly able to do this with my Sorceress but I can't imagine how a Bowazon would survive without any help.

Can you transfer some starting items for her or are you playing untwinked (you only pickup items along the way)?

Merc is not needed, Ama is very good IF you transfer some starting items for her. Rogue merc with gemmed bow and act3 cold merc are good helpers.

Angelic amu+ring helps a lot (+95 life and huge AR boost), its lvl12 item, so you can use those against all bosses. Using also Angelic Armor give huge defense and fire resist boost and +1 skill.

Cleglaw's gloves are nice too (lvl 4 item), that slow and knockback makes game quite easy. I prefer two Sigon items (gloves+ ) or Death gloves+belt, as that 30% ias helps a lot.

Some times (quite often actually) you need to run back, so lvl2: Hsaru's boots(20% run), lvl15: Vidala boots/Treads of Cthon(30% run) and lvl20:Sander's Riprap (40% run)helps a lot too.

Bow: as good as you can get. Mana is usually huge problem for low level ama, so you need to drink lots of mana pots, while you use multi/exploding arrows.Gemmed (sapphires) helmet or mana leech ring (Manald Heal or blue) helps a lot. If you are using 3-angelic set items, that +50mana helps a lot too.

Build: Hard to say, couple of points in multi, one in guide, lots of points in exploding arrow+synergy. 1-5 points in Critical strike, one in penetrate. Maybe one in decoy too.

Andy (you are here ~lvl 14), so 1 critical, 6 fire arrow, 1 magic arrow, 1 multi and 3 exploding arrow. It's enough to kill Andy easily.

Duriel (try to get 35 cold resist from items and drink 10 thawning potions before fight, that gives you 85 cold resist against Duri for 5 min)

you are ~lvl 20 against Duriel, so build looks 1 critical, 6 fire arrow, 1 magic, 1 multi, 1 penetrate and 9 exloding arrow

Mephisto (drink thawinings and antidote pots before fight)

~lvl 24 against Meph, decoy helps against those council members, and against sinet bosses near Diablo, so 1-point in decoy and pre-skills at this point. That decoy works nicely too against those exploding dolls. You can add couple points in multi too, if your bow and mana leech allow it.

Against Dia, one in guided helps. Just run a lot and avoid fire hose. Shoot those Guided arrows

Against last two waves near Baal, 1-point in Freezing arrow helps a lot.

Baal (drink thawnings and antidotes again), if clone appeaers, run one screen away, make tp. Visit town 10-20 secs (buy new pots) and enter again. Baal should be alone again. Rince and repeat if clone appers again.

Goblin Toe boots (25% crushing blow) helps a lot against Baal.|||Thanks a lot, mang. I'll keep an eye out for all those items! I was using cold arrow a lot so should I switch to fire?

I will not be transferring any items (I don't even know how to do it).|||What level are you going to act 2?

Amazons are pretty fragile (or at least not group powerhouses) at low levels, as are most classes.

Are you buying a mercenary in act 2 and outfitting him? That will help a lot.|||I'm level 16 at the end of Act 1. I wasn't planning on getting a mercenary. I wanted to kill everything by myself.

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