Saturday, April 14, 2012

Phoenix Bow?

[:1]Does anyone have any experience with a phoenix bow (or Hand Of Justice)? Does the ed on fortitude enduce more damage to Immolation Arrow, or am I to look for +%fire skill gear?

In which bow should i make phoenix or hand of justice?|||300%ED on Fort only enhances your bow's physical damage. To enhance your Immolation Arrow skill's fire damage, you need +skills and/or +%fire and/or -fire %res.|||I thought so! Thx dude! |||To answer your question regarding what bow to make Phoenix or HoJ in, IMO best is GMB. Since you're looking to make Immo your main skill, you'll want the max +3 bow skills that comes with GMB. Mat bow also can have up to +3 and faster but has lower damage compared to GMB. Since Immo has timered delay (I assume you know this), you'll benefit from a slower but more powerful bow.|||Hi,

If you decide to use a Phoenix I would very much like to hear how you get on. I played a Phoenixzon (Nixon to her friends!) last ladder and have recently rebuilt her in NL. She had a Phoenix in GMB and in a Matri and I ended up sticking with the Matri,as well as a Phoenix shield on switch. It's a shame theres no IAS with the bow (unlike Hand of Justice's decent 33%) but it's a decent enough weapon for a immozon.


*[uk]epiphany|||If the main dmg from immo, the primary skill, is elemental, why make HoJ or phoenix in gmb, when I can go with mat for more speed? Would it not be better to make HoJ or phoenix in mat?|||Quote:


If you decide to use a Phoenix I would very much like to hear how you get on. I played a Phoenixzon (Nixon to her friends!) last ladder and have recently rebuilt her in NL. She had a Phoenix in GMB and in a Matri and I ended up sticking with the Matri,as well as a Phoenix shield on switch. It's a shame theres no IAS with the bow (unlike Hand of Justice's decent 33%) but it's a decent enough weapon for a immozon.



Ill let u know how it goes. Im making the 2 bows tonight.|||My favourite bowa uses a Matriarchal HOJ with maxed exploding/fire arrows

inventory stuffed with +fire damage charms

she's hot (hm)

she's a hybrid too-charged strike and fury maxed

oh and one point multi and strafe also

fun|||Instead of making a new thread I'll just revive this one.

Does the ctc firestorm interrupt and/or cause delays in strafe and multishot?|||They should...?

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