Helm:3 sock tiara with 76 life 3 5/5 (I think I used another too...)
Armor: Stone
Wep: Titan's
Shield: Mosers with 2 5/5
Boots: Gores
Gloves: Trang's
Rings: Dual Leech 6% x2
Ammy: +3 java skills and 30% mf
Hellfire, anni, 8 skillers, and 7 5-6% res charms...
I did over 118k dmg in 1 hit! 19.6 seconds... Poison Nova (with an easily reachable 10k dmg) would take 22 seconds to do that much dmg. This is WITHOUT bramble and 20/20 monarch! Imagine how much more! (147k+... I checked with calculator) in just 19.6 seconds... Now who says Plaugazons suck?|||But PJ doesn't really have the spread of PN and Amazons don't have LR and can't use Death's Web.|||stephan pretty much hit's the nail regarding the compairson to poison nova. PN will do more damage in general pvm because it can be applied to more monsters easier (better AoE dynamics + no cast delay) and it is commonly backed up with a lot of -res (DW,3piecetrangs,LR).
That said it's not that the amazon poison skills are bad in pvm*, the problem is that the lightning ones are so much better that they pale in that comparison.

*: for a 40 point investment|||Quote:
Ammy: +3 java skills and 30% mf

Hehe. I didn't notice it the first time.

Ive been considering trying a build with medusa's gaze , super high strenght requirements but it does have a good chance of casting lower resists

Or you could use a lower resist wand on switch if you are too poor for deaths web. Yes you will need the lower resist charge to break immunes but it will not break all immunes I do not think.|||Quote:
Ive been considering trying a build with medusa's gaze , super high strenght requirements but it does have a good chance of casting lower resists

"when struck" is not usually a very effective way of casting a spell.|||i am aware of that, but still an idea id like to try

i made an iron golem out of the shield once with my necro and everything got cursed almost all the time
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