Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Problems with poison charms

Does poison charms actually cancel out Critical strike? thanks|||No .|||Problem solved, thank you|||np .|||arg who started this crap? some bnet noob is spouting off pure garbage and everyone starts believing him?|||So does it effect critical strike? please help, I'm asking you guys nicely.|||No it doesn't, someone got angry because he got owned by a pubby bowzon, who he figured used lots of poisoncharms, and thought he'd try to make them stop using those by spreading a false rumor.

Question is: why the hell does this rumor still float around? |||Quote:

So does it effect critical strike? please help, I'm asking you guys nicely.

And I answered you in post 2 :smiley:|||I knew before I even opened this thread that it would be a question about whether poison scs canceled out Critical Strike.

Seriously, a lot of myths have a baffling longevity (my personal favorite is that using Meteor somehow makes monsters give less XP), but the whole Poison SC/Critical Strike thing is the Jason Voorhees of the Diablo II myth world. You can drown it, chop it with a machete, drop it in acid, send it to Hell, blast it into outer space, and cryogenically freeze it... and it just keeps coming back stronger than before.

This isn't meant to be an insult to you, Mythatic. It's just that this myth has been around for forever, and for some reason, it simply refuses to die. Pubbies have been spreading this rumor for years and years and years.|||I think I'll add this to the build guide and other info sticky. It comes up often enough to warrant a place in there. Although who looks in there before posting a thread anyways?

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