Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Saying hello and a question for the new ladder season

Hi, I used to post here quite a lot a few years ago, mainly in the ETF and OTF (I like your sig superdave). I havent played Diablo since 1.10 came out I think, and I heard a new ladder season is opening and that made me re-install the game. Great timing with university starting in a week

Anyway, after a little catching up on the changes since I last played, I decided I want to start an Amazon for my new character. Im still not sure how my internet will hold up (last time I was in people had 56k modems, is there still lag?) so this will either be ladder, or single player. In any case that means Untweaked and unrushed, the way I usually played anyway.

So I was wondering about a build that combines the passive tree, for a strong valk etc, and some attack skill. Ive seen that there's an option to re-spec now, so I guess it's not as cirtical to save each and every point, but basically, Ive read Superdave's epic story with the naked zon, and I just wonder what offensive skill would compliment it the most, obivously without the masochistic rules (kudos on that).

I got into a bit of a rant there. IIRC I used to enjoy bowazons more than Javazons, but should I re-consider? Im just not so sure where I can pass on passive skills and how many points that will leave me for the offensive skills. I want her to be able to kill, just not be so item dependant. Even with the new rune drop-rates, I dont see myself building any sort of wealth again.

Sorry if I scattered a bit, its been a while since I posted here, or had to ask questions.

Nice to see some familiar faces still. Cheers.|||Well, a Lightning Fury Zon will probably be the easiest to restart with. Those don't really use Valks that much, though. You could also do a Charged Strike build with a Valk if melee is more your preference. Both can pretty much beat the game with a cracked javelin.

If you want to do bows, Strafe is good. Harmony and Edge do decent damage and don't take that many runes. An upped Witchwild String or Buriza also do well if you can trade for one. If you can get ctc amp you don't really need a backup skill either.|||for starters i�d go with frozen arrow.

huge dmg and u can get by with every fast bow with a couple of skills (up to 5 possible)

put an insight on ur merc and u should have no problems what so ever till hell

make sure u have lvl 17 valk and some penetrate, that leaves enough skills unused to find a backup skill suitable to ur liking. maybe strafe, by that time u could have a decent phys dmg bow|||Thanks for the advice guys.

I started as a LF/CS and it is going very well. I'm level 74 atm with many skills and stats to spare. Lightning Imuunes are a problem now so I was thinking of going hybrid.

The question is Frozen Arrow vs. Strafe

The way I see it, FA fits more into the LF/CS gear, with +skills, and less physical damage. But how many skills does it cost to be effective? assuming I max it, and get a half decent bow, will it suffice for taking LI's? Should I put points into its synergies?

The Strafe route has the advantage of being less skill demanding, I can put just a couple of points there, and look for a high damage bow.

Right now finding a good base bow for harmony is kinda tough, so I was thinking of making an edge for now in whatever comes along, and use FA, because physical dmg doesnt matter.

If/when I get a good harmony, maybe respec and go strafe.



Those lightning immunes usually have low life (at least in chaos). So almost any FA kills those quite fast. You can put pSapphires to 5-6 socket bow (gives long freezing time).

That lvl20 FA should do enough damage, maybe even less is enough.

With strafe you have ar problem, at least wait a little when your char is higher level, so its easier to hit monsters. And strafe need lots of points to be effective, good level critical, penetrate and strafe and that high level char.|||FA better than strife. The most dangerous animal in hell is souls. They are LI and 90% physical res. Strife locked, a soul sneak in, and you are dead.

15 FA + 5 synagy > 20 FA.|||Alright Ive been trying Frozen Arrow out with a Harmony bow. I'm not doing enough damage. In 8 player games LI = I cant touch it. I can spam arrows for a while but that will mostly just take down one monster. In packs its too hard. Especially souls.

Even solo souls and those pesky act 1 archers are giving me a really hard time.

My gear right now:

Helm: Kiras

Amu: Highlords

Armor: Smoke

Weapon 1: Titans

Weapon 2: Harmony in Matron bow +2

Shield: Ryhme

Ring 1: Manald

Ring 2: basically free, havent found anything yet

Belt: Razortail

Gloves: +2 Java, 10% Ias, resist rares

I know its not that best setup, but Im working with what Ive got. The question is, what changes would give me a significant boost to Frozen arrow?

I will probably respec her soon to fix some skill issues, is 15 FA+5 cold arrow really better?

Thanks.|||with titans i d just use jab to kill souls and maybe get a thundergod's vigor ONLY for souls (85% light res + 20 abs = you can tank souls till you die from boredom)|||Harmony isn't too good for FA. Try making(getting?) Melody in +3 Matriarchal Bow. This will get you +6 to FA. There are also other alternatives - Shaeled Wizendraw(normal unique bow), Lycanders Aim, and many others.

Also, you definitely want to max both FA and CA. The synergy offers a big damage boost, and FA will be slightly weak without those. You also should get CS(Charged Strike) and LF(Lightning Fury) maxed for your javazon side.

Here is the link to a guide that covers it all and more:|||The real answer is to buff up your merc- he does massive damage with pretty cheap gear, much more damage than strafe or frozen arrow would do. A good cheap solution - eth obedience, treachery, leech helm(tal mask/thief crown/andy is good here)

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